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Waiter probably went straight to therapy after that shift

i would’ve kept it professional but then thought about it a few seconds later and lose it

‘Good choice, sir. Excellent!’

He probably heard worse somewhere 😆

I’ll have what he’s having

What time is it? It’s vagina!

He was probably thinking, ‘excellent choice, young man’.

I may be 20 but I would absolutely not be able to contain my laughter

And your vagina, sir.

*puts plate on the table and bows as he walks away backwards*

“Cultured soul, you are”

With extra cheese on top

I tend to mindlessly parrot back whatever customers tell me they want as I’m focused on writing it down, usually acts as a failsafe for me but in this case..

That’s not on the kids menu sir !!

r/kidsarefuckingstupid will welcome you with open arms

When I was a waiter I gave a kid Mickey Mouse styled pancakes. He took the syrup , poured it over, looked at me straight face and said “this is Mickey Mouse’s blood”.

That waiter is the most dead inside

It’s because the waiter is dead inside.

Yes, they don’t like hearing it and find it difficult to say, whereas without batting an eye, a man will refer to his dick or his rod or his Johnson.

I’ll have what she’s having

Wait you can order that? What restaurant?

We don’t have that

What do you mean

The kitchen is full of cisgender men employees, we don’t have that

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