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Then you have the youngest kid who… wait a minute where the fuck is he ? Kevin ? KEVIIIIINNNNN !!!?

And the “good” kid will be annoyed he doesn’t get the attention he deserves and the “bad” kid is annoyed you’re always focused on him.

This is proof that parenting is part nature, part comedy routine

My oldest would easily survive for a week on his own, the other two would be eating nothing but bread and candy despite the fact that they can cook for themselves.

my sister was the no umbrella kid. Between 4 kids we’ve had 6 combined ER visits our entire childhoods. 5 were hers.

Weirdly she has her shit together more than any of us as an adult now.

Well, We could both live quite well but yeah. Dont trust me with laundry and dont trust her with cooking.

Both result in fire

I have a brother thats 1 year older and a sister 1 year younger. When we were kids if i was left alone id be chillin in my room. My brother would have 7+ people over and my sister would disappear. *But* if i was left alone with my brother there’s no guarantee the house would be standing when my parents got back. We specialized in tomfoolery and shenanigans

I wonder how much is on parents who loved and adored and obsessed over child 1’s every move and then child 2 comes along and is more of a “been there done that, they’ll survive.”

Don’t take the good one for granted. Teach them that good behaviour and hard work actually mean something other than increased responsibility

Well there’s only a 3 year difference between me and my brother, and as kids you could leave him somewhere for 3h and come back and he’d just be asleep, I on the other hand, would have bolted before you even had a chance to turn your back, but now it’s the other way around, you can trust me to keep your house, feed your pets etc, my brother, shit I wouldn’t trust him to wash up a spoon after he used it, let alone keeping my place in a decent state after I’m gone for any amount of time.

Probably because the oldest is part parent in large familys. I’d know I’m the oldest of 7

As an eldest sibling I can say being competent isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

also you’re the one responsible they came out like that in both cases.

And then the middle kid who is entirely ignored.

Even as an adult, I can be both of those kids on the same day.

The kid who isnt allowed to hold the umbrella will never recover from that level of control

“We come in many flavors” ahhh moment 🙏💀

Me and my brother switched in this regard and it took our parents like decades to figure it out. He openly admits he got away with murder in high school/college because he put in his “good kid” time early. Meanwhile I hustled for years and kept getting suspicious comments until my 30s.

.. and both related to you, though you sometimes doubt it (even though you gave birth to both)

I’d try and burn the house down and my sister would always put it out. The universe can be like that.

I remember this exchange between TV characters.

Kid: Why did you have me if you’re so disappointed in me?

Mom: Well, we didn’t know it was going to be YOU.

My buddy had three boys. The middle one is nicknamed ’flight risk.’ Whenever he gets the chance he just… leaves. Just starts walking. Doesn’t tell anyone. He’s six.

Oh, you’ve met my children! 👩‍👧‍👦

And they are both in their mid 20’s

One’s a resposible adult, other’s a flight risk—literally

In this scenario I was the boring one and my older sister was the fuckweasel who destroyed shit because she was ungrateful for literally everything. It’s my parents’ fault though. They created that monster. Aaand they were terrible people so they’re gonna die alone with nobody taking care of them.

Yup my five year old can tie his own shoes and his brother who is 11 still doesn’t know how to tie his.

Yes except mine are twins lol.

Actually I have bigger qualms with letting a certain child stay home with either of their siblings. I see the drama that child likes to gin up and have decided that they’re not getting left with either of the other two. I mean, he’s not physical towards them but the sibling needling doesn’t let up and I often see the result enough not to give them that opportunity.

I am somehow both kids will I break the umbrella 15 minutes after holding it yes will I be able to clean the house yes

the other kid in the house won’t fucking move an inch tho

It was the third kid for us. Broke his arm by standing up. (Ok- stands up on the couch arm, then fell over a wooden chair.) But still!

But why is it shaped like a sword if I’m not supposed to use it like one?

And like you have one kid that is clearly the favorite and one kid that is clearly not the kid you wanted, so you spend the next 40 years doting on one kid like they are the greatest human to ever exist, and almost completely forget about the other kid that didn’t turn out the way you wanted.

At leaset that’s how my parents saw it.

Replace “kids” with “colleagues” or “friends” and it doesn’t change anything!

I was the kid who was technically the eldest. But, I was like the second kid. My sister however was 14 months younger than me. And the like the first kid listed. We got the twin treatment when we were kids. I was the evil “twin”

100% my sister’s two oldest kids. They’re ten months apart and it might as well be ten years sometimes!

As a parent with a 14 year old and an 11 year old, this is so damned accurate.

someone has a girl and a boy lol

I have twins. I can confirm this is 100% accurate. One reminded us to get an oil change in the car. The other “forgot you weren’t supposed to touch the wick of a lit candle”. They’re 7.

Yes yes yes!!!!

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