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Buzzword bingo. Corporate talk is like most slang, the concepts stay the same it’s just new terminology for it.

Try not. You’ll get farther because people will think you’re daring and you’ll still have a shred of dignity

Have you tried balancing the risk/reward ratio, implementing agile methods or giving 110%?

And all that synergy!

BINGO! You win meeting buzzword bingo.

The last one hurt my soul. That was my whole project during my internship and because we tried to reinvent the wheel so much, the wheel stayed put and nothing got done.

“It’s all about balance”.

I have legitimately left places first week because this was how the ENGINEERING team talked. Needless to say they didn’t actually do anything the techs knew more than them.

Could I get a little more granulation on this one? Looking to get this squared away. TIA

I mean most of the stuff actually mean something as long as you have other words around it to give them context

All of this corporate jargon actually has a name. It’s described as [Ricus Rollus]( and this article analyzes its impact on work performance and culture.

White collar life seems so exhausting

Which basically is a polite way of saying stop talking shite in this meeting

That’s all par for the course

Omg. I feel so seen. So glad to be out of the corporate realm!

Check your bandwidth? Just google “speed test”

All that jargon just to remain insignificantly mediocre in the grander scheme of things

Ua gotta riff on something first, then optimize and level up your skills. Only then can you be a true victor.

We’re looking for someone who lives, sleeps, eats and breathes (insert BS job activity here)

Don’t forget ticking the boxes you’re supposed to think outside of, all without cutting corners, whilst avoiding any sharp turns in your pivots.

This on top of making sure you’re dotting your i’s and crossing the t’s and remembering that cursive is a thing.

After that you’ll have another talk/review/meeting/zoom call with the assistant-manager of the department manager’s overseer.

Let’s not forget to keep your shoulder to the wheel, nose to the grindstone, and stiff upper lip.

– let’s not boil the ocean
– is the juice worth the squeeze

Didn’t even talk about cross-functional leadership, that’s what’s holding you back

Long-haired businessmen

Its basics

Well at the end of the day…

All just to respond to a handful of emails and attend 2 daily meetings, which accomplish nothing.

Brooo I’m always tryna reinvent the wheel and everyone gets mad at me lol I gotta stop that shit

I think we’re all singing from the same hymn sheet.

So robust

[She’s a modern woman.](

I just want a job I don’t have to physically strain and hurt my body for.

My wrists and knees are already bad. My current job is making it worse. Lol

Try this, but holistically.

What the fuck did I just read

This so funny 😆

Me? I’m a force multiplier.

I’m so grateful I work with people who name meetings like “Unfuck dependencies and shit” and we post memes to each other during all-hands meetings.

Cover this off.

Fucking shoot me dead.

The people that spout this kind of rhetoric love the sound of their own voice and are usually useless, they’ll get promoted faster than you by playing buddy with the higher-ups though…

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