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this picture is unironically how most redditors feel about everything

Now where’s reddit gonna get its content?

Never downloaded, but iโ€˜m gonna miss some content ^^

Let’s hope they don’t decide reddit is a threat

You’re affected by the precedent it sets.

Glad itโ€™s going. But the people are already addicted. Theyโ€™ll get what they want from somewhere else.

I just hate what itโ€™s done to society fuck all the political crap but what itโ€™s done to social media and short form content and the fact that Netflix makes movies for people on their phone and all other bullshit that stems from that brain dead form of entertainment. I like watching movies and tv I found the more tikok/ reels I watched the less stuff I was doing/experiencing personally.

… And my smug face thinking to myself, I knew this was coming from before day one!

An online app coming from a country that heavily controls their www inclusion, but they have a social app for the world to use?? ๐Ÿค”

This a clock app?

The comments here are a little disparaging. There’s a couple of more important pieces to this ban than just “good. Stupid dancing people can go elsewhere.” 170 million Americans use TikTok. There’s a large number of small and medium sized businesses that were either entirely successful because of it or saw increases in sales because of it. It contributed $5.3 billion in tax revenue to the US in 2023. Again, these were mostly small and mid-sized businesses. Disregarding the economic impact, there’s also the concerning precedent this is setting for the government. The app has been around in its current form for about 7 years. It’s just now a security concern after all that time? This is giving the OK for the government to ban any app that creates too much competition for the corporations lining their pockets. It’s also giving the government the ok to censor millions of Americans and remove any town square they don’t like. Is TikTok some great good? No, like most anything it can be utilized for nefarious purposes. I never really used or saw the appeal to TikTok but there’s greater implications to it being banned.

Actually it can effect you if you use any other app that is owned by a non American company. This ban doesnt only ban tiktok, it sets a precedent that the government can ban any app that is not an American owned app. (Maybe pay attention and actually read the bill) Hope this helps!ย 

Insta reels aboutta pop

This took so long. There were rumblings of banning TikTok like 2 1/2 years ago

A moment of silence for the 83% of TikTok users who won’t be affected by the ban anyways.

I’m not 100% sure, but apparently it’s not just a TikTok ban, it could be a ban on anything from another country that the court doesn’t like, like games such as Call Of Duty, Fortnite, probably Roblox, Marvel Rivals, Mobile Games, Anime games like the Storm series, Xenoverse, Demon Slayer. Not just games, but also shows and movies as well. If they don’t like it, and a foreign advisory is involved, apparently they can also ban it in America

It took the info with a grain of salt because I don’t feel like doing any research around that subject, but if they do decide to be THAT petty, that’s just sad. The age to be in a position of power should be a minimum of 40s to mid 30s. Those people are more in tune with old and new generations than 80 year olds on the verge of death

Hey guys, remember Vine

Me neither

Oh no were gonna miss 2% suppressed information, 5% actually useful information, and 93% brain rot, ohhhh nooooooo

IDGAF itโ€™s really nice. Every elderly person I know is sad though.

Back in school it was cool and nice so I tried it and deleted it like 3 days later because it was filled to the brim with bullshit. Literally unusable

Ha same, but give it a month and there will be a new version, that everyone will love.

There are people out here acting like ending Tik Tok will literally end their Life/Lives. Truthfully, there are other apps to stream and share content such as Twitch and Discord. The users are naive and ignorant that they exchange their personal information to use that platform. Itโ€™s disappointing to see that a whole generation invests so much on Tik Tok, but are unaware of its consequences and dangers.

I swear

An US ban on Tik Tok probably wouldn’t make the European Commission follow suit for example, but despite only 17% of the user base being American, that’s still a market shrink of 17% overnight, and idk how much volume-wise the content is dominated by the American subset, but that will definitely affect the usage elsewhere too. That’s a shitshow worth following how it goes onwards

I was like that until last year imma miss the laughs I got from that app.


Did this happen already?


Tiktok, Instagram, facebook, X. They are all the same to me.

Right there with you.

i tried it but when i could not use it like youtube only see the people you follow i removed the app & my account

Same haha

Yes. That me!!!

I had it for a year maybe during lockdown and got rid as I was doom scrolling badly.

Got it again late last year and the algorithm kept giving me shit and I quickly lost interest.

Literally me lol

Downloaded for a month or two, realized how much of my life it was eating up and not enriching it, promptly deleted that shit. I’m all for mindless drivel but it felt hella insidious. Better off without it.

They were gonna ban it like 4 years ago, hurry the fuck up guys

but where will we get our poorly cropped 10s reposted Eastern Bloc propaganda now ๐Ÿ˜ซ

Didn’t sign up for Twitter either and dropped Facebook over a decade ago.

I see this meme so much but don’t know it’s source. Is it from a movie? Looks like some Barry Lyndon shit

Same lol

YouTube shorts are better, anyway. Waaaay less cringe.

Yep thatโ€™s me


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