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Like the movie Christmas Vacation

Set in Chicago, but cut down their xmas tree in the Rocky Mountains

Lol fucking Illinois? More mountains than Ive ever seen there.

I work at a post office and my lunch break is 2 hours. I hate it. But I don’t know if that’s enough time for a short hike or if I’d even feel like doing that before going back to work.

There’s a canyon in Colorado springs that looks just like this. It’s less than a 10 minute drive from downtown and it’s really just a half hour hike from the parking lot.

They ended up putting a sign on her desk. “Missing, presumed fed”

No way that’s Illinois. Illinois is flatter than a pancake.

I wouldn’t be shocked if this was Starved Rock, or somewhere similar. There are some extremely hilly rock formations in Illinois, they’re just not super common.

There needs to be a class in how to recognize bait. 

his girlfriend is a forest officer.

I visited with my cousin in Norway. She lived in the town of Voss where a bunch of Olympic athletes and overall extreme athletes live. As we were walking around she pointed to a nearby cliff and said that sometimes on her lunches she hikes up there and base jumps off and lands in a field next to her work. Built different

I don’t really care about seeing *any* sides of Illinois. It’s *Illinois.*

I’m no geologist, but I’d wager 100 bucks that’s the eastern section of the European Alps. 

I once went on a lunch break with a coworker to meet a group of other devs we worked with to celebrate the launch of a new government site. We met the developers at a strip club, where they already had a table with a pile of $1 bills for everyone to use. One of the developers even brought his own stripper to the club, who danced alongside the two strippers on staff. Needless to say, we never made it back to work that day.

She’s a remote worker – she had all week to get up there.

Remote worker by the looks of it. Starlink for sure. No other options, unless she is a park ranger.

Lunch break from wfh or OF.

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