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Great grandpa died at 41 of old age

One on the right looks 12

With a broccoli haircut his grandpa would have looked 16

The body produces a lot of growth hormones when it’s being used a lot. I’d imagine that grandpa on the left has gone through a lot of manual labor and physical turmoil at a very early age.

The pic on the left looks 16 tbf it’s just the one on the right looks super super young.

Maybe ya adopted?

Give him the same shirt, haircut/shave, and a smile, and they would probably look close to the same.

Grandpa looks like wartime pilot and you like warthunder pilot.

So this means he and his kids made some bad decisions about who to marry

Strong men create easy times 

Now do Cole Palmer

Great grandpa looks like the guy that played jughead

Now show him at 40 vs you at 40…

Don’t forget focal length of camera’s also matters.

Being outdoors and probably world war era vs. cheetos and xbox

And this might be why fascism is back, why your grandfather held them off in this country but you didn’t… You didn’t take an out-of-focus sepia-toned portrait like he did. How do you expect to beat the nazis with a color photo? Please correct this so we can go back to normalcy. Thank you.


Not enough second hand smoke and lead paint chips, brother!

Stress, strain, and lower quality diet ages you faster.

Civilization has made big leaps in the past century. Hell, Fritz Haber barely got his nobel for fertilizer that revolutionized agriculture 100 years ago. We still haven’t reached 100 years of electricity being common in households.

All I’m saying is that we look younger today and for much longer for very positive reasons.

I look like that 19 lol

What are we looking at here?


Its possible that the grandpa is older in that picture, but the great-grandma got raw dogged before she found somebody to get married and then lied on later documentation about his age to cover that up.

What does the milk man look like?

Too much soy in foods 😂

Kids have it too easy nowadays , which totally screws them for the contrast of modern adulthood

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