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That’s why I have a home gym. Now the only pussy I see is in the mirror.

Getting up at 5:30 just so i can do my sets in peace

This makes me appreciate the signs at my gym that say “please do not take photos or record video”

This is so true lol there’s one woman who constantly has her tripod set up here in the gym I go to. Cringe AF.


The fact that a lot or men fear this is just sad.


And they ask me why do I wear sunglasses in gym.

So glad my gym banned usage of phones while inside the gym even for phone calls go outside

thats why I just poked my own eyes out

Why are you staring at me!

I am fairly short sighted and can’t see anything clearly if it’s more than 2 meters away. So I just train without my specks. Can’t be looking if you can’t see shit!!!

Is this really an issue? Ive been going to different gyms for decades and not even once has any woman told me that I’m staring at her.

being gay and all, it’s absolutely correct of course.

Pfft, as if Redditors go to the gym 

This comment section is filled with people who’ve never set foot in a gym. Lol

You guys make gyms sound like a clusterfuck of influencers doing photo ops and persecution complex weirdos thinking they’ll explode if a female body enters their field of vision. Just chill, do your sets and if you see something, surely the girl won’t mind as long as you don’t stare like a creep.

Do gyms ban filming?

Home gym, my beloved.



OP does not go to the gym

In Germany we got Datenschutzgesetz so i can say : Mach das Ding aus sonst gibt’s ne Anzeige wenn ich zu sehen bin!

Cant even close your eyes. Some blind guy got accusing of ogling some girl at a gym. 

I don’t even go to the gym, but I firmly believe no recording equipment should be allowed. Wanna have your technique checked, get a PT.

Gym in my shitty basement to avoid this

I have this friend who constantly posts gym pics in a sports bra, tight shorts and always twisted so that you can clearly see her ass or mound. I thought it’d stop when she got a boyfriend.

We were talking and she mentioned she got sick, so I wished her a speedy recover and that hopefully her followers don’t die of starvation without her gym pics.

She got super offended and said she doesn’t post thirst pics. I pointed out that she has an insert into her phone case that says “Big Booty” that’s flipped so that it reads correctly in her mirrors. Maybe I just don’t understand what thirst traps are

Why I do my workouts at home now.



Again* so you don’t accidentally glance at them AGAIN

I show testicle cleavage and then say you’re welcome to women and gay men

The short stint I went to the gym regularly there were these two obese young ladies who showed up for 15 minutes every day, doing very strange/dangerous stuff with the equipment, take a million selfies and leave.

This happened to me once a girl had the audacity to say why are you looking at me I told her I’m gay lol

I always catch the girls looking at me – maybe I should tik tok

That’s why I like going to my old people gym. Just me and the grandpas.

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