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As a fast walker, other fast walkers are my arch enemies.

I am in a rush to get to my next disappointment.

*/Natural walking tempo, coupled with somewhere to be and no time to waste.*

*Plus secretly, we’re racing, and my daddy didnt raise no loser.*

Slow walkers who are prone to change direction without cause should be executed

If they’re old, it’s ok.

If they’re fat, I get irrationally angry.

People who are stressed and need to get places walk fast. People who are stressed are less happy. Fairly simple causation. Walking slower won’t make you happier.

My life isn’t perfect but I am quite happy in the scheme of things.

I just walk fast because walking bores me shitless. It’s the loading screen between two places I want to be.

Look, happy, fast, I don’t care. Feel free to walk as slow as you please as long as you are mindful about others and don’t take up the entire width of the way. Wanna look at those shopping windows? Fine, just don’t do it in the middle of the way with your entire group of ten. Other people exist. Trust me, I know, I’ve tested it thoroughly and the result has always been that they do. Let us coexist peacefully. As long as you leave me space to pass you I will never seek your demise, I promise, regardless of your pace or lack of it.

Why do slow walkers always choose the middle? The rest of us fast walkers have picked a lane (the right side of your not weird

Some of us have to go to work

My mum must be the most unhappiest person in the world!

If this is the case, I would be the god damn flash.

I get road rage when walking behind someone. IF YOU AIN’T IN A RUSH, MOVE

Those blissful idiots with no purpose or places to be lol.

But the faster i walk, the sooner il be home, and be Happy.

I am not happy, just lazy


New research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association has revealed that **faster walkers are kind of smarter than slower walkers**. Plus, they won’t age as quickly as their snail-paced counterparts.

The only person more unhappy than a fast walker is a slow walker forced to walk with a fast walker.

Yeah go be happy somewhere else, I got places to be

I’m fast as fuck boiiii

Yeah I can confirm that. I know two fast walkers.

I have long legs I can’t help it

My mother always tells me I’m like my grandfather: always on a mission when I walk lol.

Unless you’re old or have a disability/disease there’s no excuse. Basically wasting your own time too.

Slow walkers are too lost in themselves while they wander and change directions for no reason to be unhappy. Fast walkers are unhappy because we keep trying to get by them and they’re all over the place.

That’s definitely me!!

The faster the walk the longer you live.

What really puzzles me are people who walk half my speed but move their legs twice as quick as I do. I’m not even tall at all.

Who said
Dumb shit on the nets agaynnn

Funny. I am a notoriously famous fast walker. I learned this because my neighbors all notice it. I didn’t know. Now, get out of my way!

That explains why Brazilians are so happy. Sai da frente, caralho!!!

the way you walk is an effect and not a cause for/of your mood. if you’re happy that means you’re not stressed or pressed by time to move quickly and the other way around.

Worst is walking behind girls

Older people are happier. There are several studies on that.

Older people are slower walkers [citation needed].

Correlation is not causation.

I’m a slow walker. I’m not happy

wrong. it’s because youre always late and stressing

I’ve also read that walking speed is a sign of health and youth.

I’ve reccently started going to school at a local college. Idk why the average student is walking so far under the speed limit in the hallways, like I got classes to get to. They also travel in groups and block up all the lanes

Damn right I’ve got to get to my third side job just so I can afford eggs and a micro apartment.

And if walking in a group, please do NOT spread to fill the width of the sidewalk.

This can be explained by younger people walking faster than older people

I have a playlist on Apple music just to walk fast

I don’t walk slower because I’m happy, these tiny legs just struggle to go fast lol.

I’m 55 years old with a rapidly decaying body, overweight and out of shape, and yet I’m still faster than 90% of the people I pass on New York City sidewalks.

Yikes I’m in trouble lol

Fast walkers became fast walkers by being poked & prodded by the world to hurry up which quickly makes you unhappy.

I used to have a pretty strict exercise routine where I would go to our local Greenway and do a 3-mile loop every other day. I’d get comments all the time about how fast I walked. Sometimes I’d outpace joggers.

And yes, I was absolutely miserable.

This is the most relatable meme to me.

I’m less of a fast walker, and more just have a killer inseam.

I like to dilly dally but believe me when I say I am MISERABLE.

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