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… but why would she care? WTF is some people’s problem?

It literally costs nothing… to mind your own fucking business

Please continue to call out people for their ignorant behavior. We need more of this in our lives.

I’m glad to see I’m not the only person who goes from calm to 100% rage instantly.

You mean you swear you saw her “Seoul” leave her body?!!!

Can’t set yourself up like that and not take the shot smdh

Mind your damn business, Karen

This is the way.

Ah yes. Someone with the twitter handle @dearnonnatives encountered a racist that they owned so hard. She forgot to add the part where everyone stood up and clapped. 

I was talking on the phone in Japanese in China and one of my coworkers accosted me for it because mainlanders still hate the Japanese. I speak 3 languages fine, and one language terribly. You really gonna shit on me when I’m ON the phone?

That lady ought mind her own business xD.

Her soul went to… Seoul

I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at interrupting phone calls

Gee, I wonder where this one happened.

Why do people make up these stupid stories? Because people believe the stories and give them the attention they crave

She just wanted to know what you were saying. I’ve worked with plenty of non Americans and they always want to know what you’re saying even though you’re clearly not speaking a language everyone can understand

She’s not racist, she’s just on the spectrum!

Are you sure she wasn’t saying a Roman tradition? /s

This is the exact kind of story you’d want to make up to maximize internet validation

You mean her… *Seoul*…?

Yeap that’s what happens…

When Americans forget they’re ALL illegal immigrants


“As harshly as I could said “
“In perfect English”

This is where you just start describing the woman down the phone as if you’re describing a crime suspect. Obviously nothing will happen, but she’ll shit herself thinking you’re calling in a hit or something.

This is the way

I wish I spoke a second language fluently just to do exactly this! Put those racists in their places! Hats off to you fine human


I love this so much

I just want someone to respond to these types of people by loudly singing the lyrics to WAP.

Best one I’ve had was.

‘Oh well I didn’t expect that accent out of someone who looks like you’

I mean what do you say back to that?

This happened

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