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I love my mom to death but she does this so many times for no reason.

“Hey son”

“I need to talk to you”

5 minutes later….

Long message about how she is going to be really busy for the entire weekend so I need to cook my own meals or get take out.

Like OK mom… You had me thinking something serious was going on.

Absolutely wasted opportunity to reply with “Hi Pregnant, I’m Boss!”

For real.. I hate when people text like this. So annoying.



Email. This text conversation should have been an email.


stop posting this fake shit

I’ll be honest, if his wife knows her husband runs a business, I’m sure she would be able to guess it’s an employee asking about pregnancy leave, especially since she wrote “Hi Boss”. It would be different if she had written “Hi Tim” or something.

So that’s nonsense.

Why would you need MORE THAN ONE DAY to discuss pregnancy with your boyfriend? That’s an evening discussion at best.

Glad it’s circled, I almost didn’t read that part.

Every time i see this, which is a lot, I always think to myself, why does she need days, plural, off work just to tell her boyfriend, is this an actual thing in some places in the world ? Cause I’m pretty sure you’d just get laughed at for such a request where I am (UK)

Yet another fake text conversation 🙄

She will get the leave that she wants hahaha

Bro is cooked 😂

Plot twist: She now has to explain to her boyfriend how she ended up pregnant with her boss’s baby…

Yeeeeaaaahhhh I’m with the boss on this. He’s not your friend, you don’t need to break up the messages for dramatic pause.


Thanks for the circle. Without it, I wouldnt have figured out to start at the top

*”I need a few days off to tell my boyfriend that I’m pregnant..”*


Do ppl actually call their boss “boss”?

I’m a fucker messaging people like this. Three separate messages instead of one larger one.


Me every time my sister messages me 20 sentence fragment texts in a row and blows up my phone.

Did I accidentally stumble into the meme museum?

I don’t know who i feel sorry for in this situation)

The halting start/stop speech pattern is indeed annoying as shit. Especially if it translates to text.

There’s a circle of hell just for people who use Send as punctuation.

While midly entertaining, extremely fake.

I hate when people type like this.

I fucking hate when people type like that so much

Pretty ridiculous if real – which I doubt.

But if my wife saw my employee messaged me she’s pregnant, the obvious assumption for 99% of people would be that employee is going to ask about maternity leave policy or just sharing the news.

My ex wife used to complain all the time when her sister would do this. Then one day she must have forgotten how annoying it was because she starting doing it. Reminded her how annoyed she used to get at her sister, it never stopped.

I have a friend that does this shit and it is so annoying he’s like


This weekend…

Do you want…

To go…

With the gang…

To have…



I’m just like dude I love ya but lost interest in this like 5 minutes ago.

My sister does this, like, mf, I’m typing 6 sentences, and then she changes convo midway and I gotta add more, and then more, and then I just lose my shit and call her instead or voice message

Edit: spelling

This is how some people communicate. It doesn’t affect you so just deal with it. They’re separate thoughts, you get the same message. People need to stop complaining about things that are not real problems.

I don’t answer anymore at this type of messages: if greetings, message and question are not inserted in ONE single message, I ain’t engaging.

I had a boss texting me like (ETA:10 minutes):

– My name
– Hi
– I need to talk to you

– Hey, tell me

– I will call you this afternoon (message sent at 9AM)

I told him three times to don’t behave like this, why do you need to add anxiety? Until I literally closed the messaging app and kept working, he understood that he had to put everything in a message (or an email)

Also in my private life I go by this principle. If you don’t wrap all together, it is not important so I answer in few hours (and maybe have the whole content available)


honestly, yelling at me like that bc boss and their wife have shit communication and trust would have assured me the leave time that i needed

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