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How does she acciedentally do that and not noticed the urinals?hmmm

The original tweet was a woman opening a pad in a stall in the ladies and a little girl in the next cubicle saying “mom why does she have a snack”.

This is a pretty weak attempt to plagiarise it, as nobody in their right mind would attempt to strike up conversation with a stranger taking a shit next to them.

I feel like I’ve read a very similar post on tumblr, but It was a trans guy saying how when he opened his pad someone said “you’re eating here?” or something like that, and it was in reply to someone saying how they are embarrassed of the noise opening pads makes i think

this is the kind of story that makes me snort laugh in public, lol

no. this didn’t happen. there is no talking allowed. clearly you have never been in a men’s room.

Things that never happened but are kinda humorous


Fake news men Don’t chat in public restrooms

Never been in a public toilet and talked to or had someone talk to me

Yeah i like to make stuff up on the internet too

As if men talk while in stalls.

Yeah, nah.

Itโ€™s funny but belongs in r/thathappened

i don get iiiiit

Lol dude bathrooms are a safe space for dudes to be dudes too. I swear sometimes I think the friendliest place on earth for a man is the menโ€™s bathroom at a busy bar

“Good luck” omg

I think this will be the best thing I read all day.

I choked full stop ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

This is the kind of meme that makes me laugh out loud in the middle of a meeting, classic!


im appalled by how the dude doesnt even recognize her being in the wrong washroom

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