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Yes he has a wife. An awesome one.

100% keeper

Amazing lol

Oh, I’m using this

Relationship goals

I love the fact that you mentioned this. My wife and I have this joke (okay it’s mostly my joke, that my wife can see from a mile away) where when we meet somebody new for the first time and she mentions that she was married before, I jokingly ask “you’ve been married before?” just to see the person’s reaction.

How does this have 5k+ up votes and I’m only the 9th comment

Top notch shithousery! I would cry tears of joy and slow clap my wife if she pulled this move.

Haha, laughed out load, that is exactly what my wife would say at a office christmas party. Good on you!!!

I had the opposite of this happen IRL.

Went to a concert with a coworker. He showed up with a woman and introduced her as his wife.

I didn’t believe him. I laughed and said that if he was married where is the wedding ring? Why has he never mentioned her? I would’ve noticed if he had a wedding ring, we worked together all day every day.

He held up his hand. He was wearing a wedding ring 😬

They ended up leaving before the show started. Turns out he was also dating a coworker and she had no idea that he was married either. What a fucking mess y’all.

My wife has the sense of humor to make other people uncomfortable with jokes like this. We were going through airport security a few years back and i had my arm around her. The TSA guy said, hey lovebirds, let’s get moving. My wife turned to him and said, that’s my brother. The TSA guys face went ghost white for a second lol. He was so uncomfortable and my wife just let it go for the next 15-20 seconds before at the last second walking through she said, just kidding.

I was at my wife’s conference and walking to the elevator behind her. Someone on the elevator said I guess your husband got on and I said oh he’s way behind us.

would rather seen your husband’s face 😆

The unicorn also says “I’m the ex girlfriend…”

I read this aloud doing the voices and facial expressions. I deserve an Oscar nod! I also need to get out more

My wife would absolutely do this and I would find it hysterical haha.

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