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Imagine spending years in law school just to roleplay as Phoenix Wright.

Then they appeal because they’re a sore loser.

Sports and elections?


Congratulations, you are officially the better liar, here is the proof.

Play sports. Ump or ref declares you or your team the winner.

Paramedic is also one.

In that case it is more of a “Did the person live or not” kinda thing.

My sister is a massive adrenaline junky and she really loves the job as a paramedic in a rural area. Because she just has a lot of cases where she is the one responsible for getting people back from deaths door. Rather than in the city where it is more about getting people to the close by hospital.

At the end of the year she then goes like “I saved 78 lives this year”

I feel like a winner when I drive a solicitor away (cashier)

This also has exceptions. For example:

Your client is a pedophile, but you won the case because of lack of physical evidence or something. Would that kind of “win” feel good?

The movie “Law Abiding Citizen”… Is that concept true where a lawyer will grossly encourage their client to take a deal just to protect their own conviction rate/%?

Lol 😆 👍

You mean like a Super Bowl?

You know what else about a being a lawyer is awesome?

If you’re a prosecutor, you have immunity from fucking someone else’s life up, unless you, yourself, really, really fuck up. And then it’s up to your peers to say so!

It’s awesome when you’re running for a higher office to have them convictions on your record!

Wins, then proceeds to t-bag the opponent.

Besides the obvious professional sports, B2B sales and tenders ia the only thing I can think of.

A couple of my friends are lawyers and their stories are so much fun to listen to. They have literal life long nemeses and gossip about the drama that happens at other firms.

This is why people hate lawyers. They think the case is about them.

On the flip side, sometimes they sign a piece of paper that says you’re a loser and that’s not great.

In construction it’s a piece of paper that says “we did a good job” but we know it really means “we fooled that idiot inspector”.


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