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True wealth is when a vet bill doesn’t feel like a hostage negotiation.

“Not terrified to take myself to the dentist” rich

Nothing humbles you like hearing ‘That’ll be $800’ for a 10-minute check-up.’

Me: ‘How much is that test?’ Vet: ‘Do you want your pet to live?’

Pet insurance is a necessity. I recommend it to everyone getting a new pet.

How much does it cost to remove the non cancerous tumor?

$5,000. But it won’t come back in his lifetime!

*Dog is 13*

It’s less scary when you work there. Still a heavy burden though. 

or even just “not terrified to simply exist”

I feel this!!

$1600 to get small tumor taken off my dog’s back. One week later $1200 when incision got infected . Yeah that’s my budget for the life

You’ll never be a billionaire with that attitude.

Not terrified when my car starts making noise rich.

Well Musk has shown that being one of the richest men on earth doesn’t bring gratitude or happiness. He’s a angry , nasty, vengeful rotten to the core man. Great lesson for the common man. MALEVOLENT MUSK 🚀👿

Ironically, billionaires are the reason vets are becoming so expensive.

My cat just died having multiple terrible seizures last Saturday at 6 am. I stayed up with him all night. He must have gotten into something. I couldn’t afford the charge for the vet to just see my cat. Literallynthey wouldnt see my cat unless i payed up front. I got denied this weird animal care emergancy card over credit issues so that was out and I called around. Nobody within driving range would look at him except one place, but not that day. He died because I’m broke. I had to borrow money to pay for his cremation that’s happening tomorrow.

I take care of people in their dying moments for a living, and I didn’t have the money to save my sweet boy from a horrible death because everything in life cost little more then I can afford.

Maybe not get a dog if you can’t afford that, idk.

My puppy had to get a root canal. Insurance said that they weren’t going to cover it. $5,400. We just paid for a wedding and we’re trying to save for a house…

So being able to clone ur dead dog rich?

I wanna be a billionaire mostly because I wanna help people and not worry if I’m helping to much

You know you don’t HAVE to have a pet if you can’t afford one

bro, my cats medication cost 130 bucks.

I have a tooth that needs to be pulled but I can’t afford for them to knock me out to do the work. Which means I just won’t have it pulled.

I’m about to file my taxes and I should get a refund but it don’t matter cause my dog can hear me, soon as I hit Submit she’ll go pick a random fight with a raccoon or some shit

Omg, too true. My dog twisted her ankle. We took her to the vet and thankfully it’s only a soft tissue injury. If it were a bone or ligament issue, I can’t even guess how much that would be.

i don’t need a private jet, i just want to take my dog to the vet without having to google “how much is a kidney worth?”

I basically want to be deadmou5 (minus the tim hortons at his house). Unbothered, not bothering anybody else, just hanging out. Probably got a cat or two. Smoking weed, making music. Maybe able to help out a few people in my life if they ever need it.

I don’t want power. I don’t want my hands in anything. I just want to feel comfortable knowing that if something comes up, I’ll very likely be able to get through it unscathed.

Thanks to private equity for buying up vet practices and driving up costs

Just spent $4k to try and save my sweet girl and she passed away on the operating table. I can’t imagine the stress of that if my wife and I didn’t have a special fund for it. It important to set money aside if you can or to get pet insurance if you’re gonna have a critter. It adds up fast

Vet bills are getting even more expensive due to aggressive corporate takeovers. My friend left her original clinic once the management changed. They were timing the length of her appointments, restricting the brands of medications she could prescribe (pushing more expensive ones), and adding extra charges etc. She ended up opening a clinic with a few other vets because of how limited non-corporate owned clinics are in the surrounding cities. Most vets really do want to help their patients. They did not choose all these years of schooling and student debts to “make big bucks”.

Not terrified to get sick?

I got 2 “free” dogs from the side of the road. In the 4 years I’ve had them I’ve been to the vet 25 times and have spent at minimum $10k. They’re worth it but dang it gets expensive.

Your money or your pet’s life! #Americas_least_favourite_party_game

Many vet firms are being bought by private equity. One bought mine and raised all their prices 30% in one go.

I just wish I had enough money to keep myself alive for 75 years for a life I never asked for


Lies. You want to be “don’t have to do anything to do everything I want” rich

Idk, I would still pick being a billionaire lol

Don’t want income to be higher, want expenses to be lower

I mean, I’d rather be a billionaire if it’s an either or option here

Easy. Dont own pets.

One time when my sister had to take her dog to the vet we had to call this guy to give us a vet like card because they weren’t doing anything to her dog unless we do so, so her dog suffered for 3 hours only for the guy to tell us we aren’t rich enough and then we had to put her dog down. If I ever see him or find him, first thing I’m doing is sending him a envelope filled with a deadly virus so he can feel the same amount of pain my sisters dog had to go through🤺 it’s not impossible that’s for sure. (I’m not actually going to do this but he deserves it)

Took my wife and I 20 years, but we got there. Hang in there, you’ll make it.

Man, do I feel this one… Spent $16,000 on emergency dog surgeries last year and and $5k with our six year old dogs cancer . AND WE HAD INSURANCE. I literally sold my truck to keep my dog alive. Went from a $30k truck to a $10k motorcycle just to pay vet bills, and while I’d do it again in a heartbeat, it has kicked the hell out of me financially. Damn dogs lucky I love him more than most people.

speak for yourself, I want to be a billionaire.

Fuck that, I wanna be Iron Man.

I can give to charity, blow shit up, save the world, wear a mustache,**blow shit up** and have a fancy car.

Get insurances – it’s like 10 dollars a month

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