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A generous and caring personality isn’t typically the kind that leads to becoming a billionaire..

Supervillains are usually billionaires too.

That’s what his ex wife is doing with the money, donating it

He chose to be Lex Luther

We have to be Superman

This is why I could never become a billionaire in the first place. You don’t become a billionaire by giving away money.

Also, things are a lot more difficult to fix than just throwing money at them. Most homeless vets need a lot more than just a roof over their head or they will be right back on the street no matter what kind of house you buy them. A lot of them have severe PTSD, some of which makes them completely unable to function. So you would need to hire someone to help them also, like social workers do in state funded programs, but more efficient so it actually works. Many people who are poor are also really bad with money and no matter what you give them, they will be bankrupt in a few years.

Hungry children is far easier to fix, I don’t as many criticisms to make about that. It could be done pretty cheaply to be honest for the actual food, it’s all the licensing you would need and things to be eligible for a license where it would get expensive. Food policies meant to protect consumers from disease and such also make it so you can’t just go handing out free food to people, it’s illegal. They will arrest 80yo men handing homeless people pizzahut (thanks FL).

If I somehow magically became a billionaire by some freak accident (like I would have to invested in stock and then been knocked into a coma and it mooned because otherwise I would be spending it to help people after my basic needs were met)… the first thing I would want to help fund would be the overhead for programs that helped people who were passionate about what they do go volunteer to teach kids and young adults about what they do. There is nobody that would be better teachers. This is how we could fix the mess that is our education system. We could trade out a few hours of normal class a day for this. Let kids get the quality of education that prestigious colleges have from people who actually work in those fields, passionately teaching math, science, reading, and anything else. Not to say anything bad about teachers, they are important, but they are designed to be very well rounded, and aren’t going to bring the same level of passion and experience to every single subject, and even in later grades where they specialize more, they often don’t have a whole lot of experience with anything but teaching and some level of hobby tier interest. They don’t actually use what they know regularly, they don’t keep up with the advances as well as people in the field. It’s nothing wrong with them, it’s just the system.

What about Musk ? He is the greatest hypocrite

Would you though? My mom is an accountant and almost every single one of her clients turned into a piece of shit once they made it big. Once their wealth reached a certain point, the previously kind and caring people went from “I want my employees to feel good at work, like family” into “they are not working enough, they steal from me on every opportunity”, it’s insane what money does to people. They donated their own money to charity before, now they do it as a tax write off only (nothing wrong with that, it’s still donating, but they absolutely wouldn’t if there was no benefit to them)

Every not billionaire says they would do that if they were a billionaire. Makes me wonder how many current billionaires said something similar at some point?

That sure would be hypocritical considering the countless of people that suffered working for Amazon

Getting to that ammount of wealth requires some type of mental illnes. The wealthinest people like Musk and Bezos are either have low or non existent empathy. They do not care about anyone but themselfs and they only do any kind of charity if that benefits them.

They are comics fans, just Lex Luthor is their type.

Except this costs so much even bezos would be out of cash quick.

Read an interesting article recently on why the current “rich” folk (tech bros in particular), are not as philanthropic as previous rich generations. What it boiled down to is status and pecking order. The parties and podcasts you are invited to are determined by wealth. Everything about these guys is a competition to acquire more so they get social clout amongst their class. It’s the accumulation of wealth for influence and it’s truly sickening. Three men in America now own more than the bottom 50% combined.

You don’t become a billionaire without having insatiable greed.

Billionaires like that do exist: they’re called millionaires.

(You get the point)

With that attitude you wouldn’t reach billionaire status because you’d have started with your employees getting a decent wage and not penny pinching your way to the top.

That’s why you’ll never have billions. Not being shitty, I’m trying to answer your question and give real experienced perspective. I’m a previous millionaire. You have to have a superiority complex and view that I’m earning this because of my work. I’m earning this. If you want it, you go get my job and do it.

And you are extremely frugal with anything that’s not yours. Like paying $60 to repair an old water fountain, for the 20th time instead of buying a new one.

You don’t build wealth by spending it and you sure as hell don’t by giving it away unless it’s for tax write offs.

Turns out to be a billionaire a prerequisite is also to be a pathetic piece of shit.

It takes courage and a good sense of humility to be a hero, obviously not any characteristic this man or generally speaking, any billionaire CEO has.

Free Luigi.

Batman is the bad guy. He’s the billionaire that *could* fix Gotham. Instead, he tries to beat everyone into working for Wayne Industries.

If I was bezos I would model my life after Lex Luther…wait, maybe I am bezos.

money doesnt work this way. if you have more than 50%, someone else has less. others need to be poor, so you can be rich.

its like how kids in third world countries have to go into mines for shitty pay, so we dont have to. imagine what we would have to pay for a phone, if there was no sacrifice.

This is illegal? They just did what the machine allowed them to do.

as was commented on this when it originally circulated , eons ago.

that pretty much what bill gates did. and now some subset of the population thinks he is controlling the birds and poisons your tapwater to forcibly transition frogs or whatever.

Right? Like, I’d be funding research into teleportation just so I could avoid rush hour traffic. Billionaires have the power to solve actual problems, and they’re mostly just…buying bigger yachts. It’s the real-life version of ‘with great power comes great irresponsibility’.

At least he made his rocket penis shaped to save us the trouble of making that joke

Hey at least he’s properly fucked off. I haven’t heard anything going on with bezoz. Musk is getting into politics trying to run our country

I love her thoughts. However, she forgot that some people will never improve financially due to a lack of common sense

Billionaires are sitting on concrete money. Most if it is locked in their shares and debts. Liquidating would actually bankrupt some of them. I’m not defending them, it’s just how it is because of banks and interests. Money is inflated to hell…

I thought it was my turn to post this.

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