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I like this, feeding delusion does nothing but give hope

He said the scary truth in a nice way

At least she has a boyfriend who really loves her by telling things as they are, not sugarcoating anything.

I need this kind of love in my life. Someone to pull be down to earth when im being delusional, but in a gentle way lol

I am both the girlfriend and the boyfriend in this situation

Im picturing liam neeson in the grey telling the guy “listen to me carefully… youre going to die, that’s what’s happening”

i’d be crying if my bf tells me this😭

Ride or die, but mostly die on this test.

That is actually so sweet. Honest without being a dick about it.

This is how my wife is with me… except with shit that I can clearly do and have demonstrably done in the past.

There is absolutely something that can be done about it now.

If you don’t have the time to get the information down enough through studying to pass the test, your next best option is to figure out the most effective and least risky way to cheat.

The follow up should be of course “But, we’ll make sure you ace the do-over” or whatever name Americans give to a retry attempt.

He a real 1 🥃

What a coincidence, so is he.

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