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Wish the technology didn’t feel so unfinished compared to how hard they’re pushing it

My first thought after gemini just randomly poped up on my phone.

I told meta AI to fuck off, and i think it shut up


Apple AI giving me summarized nonsense of messages from everyone. fucking hell

Microsoft Copilot is just Clippy 4.0.

Clippy 3.0 was Bing.

Clippy 2.0 was Cortana.

Microsoft has been on a 30 year mission to prove you need a motherfucking virtual assistant, and at this point they’re designing their suites to suck so much shit that you need a “copilot” just to find where all the old buttons are.

It’s as if the dudes who made a Palm Pilot infiltrated Apple and tried to force everyone to use that weird [“Graffiti”]( fucking cursive stylus system, because it’s SOOO much better than a touch screen keyboard we promise.

When you do a Google search put “fuck” at the end of your search and it won’t give an AI answer. It may change your search results though.

Most of my apps are reverted to the oldest version that is still online. It’s great. Buy an android.

Me with the new Siri bullshit

If you want to avoid Googleโ€™s AI Overview, just swear in whatever you’re typing. That thing will do anything to avoid profanity.

Ask it

AI can do a lot of cool stuff but somehow businesses are finding the most creative ways of making it useless.

I think if you end your google question with -ai it wonโ€™t show you the ai garbage.

It’s feeble-minded and is likely to stay that way for awhile.

I finally got my car to shut the fuck up.

Yes, google, show me how to disable it.

So real, Iโ€™ve had it to here with companies adding garbage bloatware like AI features, just to use the buzzword in their marketing. The worst is google AI overview, we canโ€™t even turn it off.

Replace %s with your search query

HAhaHA… you can’t.

I just opened Google sheets and saw it. I hate it.

Skating straight past Gemini result, knowing full well half of the answers are from our retards throughout the years

As an MSP, if clients want to turn off Googleโ€™s Gemini AI โ€œenhancementsโ€ in Google Workspace, which is literally predictive text and all that in Gmail.. etcโ€ฆ, we literally have to use their shitty chat support feature to get a tech to turn it of for us ( The Admins). ๐Ÿคฆ

Oh yes, disabled every single AI feature and process. I’m also glad I’m on Android so you can control more, including Blokada. Blocked all suspicious traffic. I don’t think you can disable everything like Android on iPhone. I really don’t understand why you want that shit active. Not just to assist you and maybe handy features (not missing something) but it sees what you see, it hears what you hear and so on, analyzing all things you see on screen, building a profile of you (again), gathering data constantly and sending it to a server/cloud. And also like in Windows with Recall it will make screenshots every couple minutes. So yeah no thanks. Not gonna happen, f… u! Remember the times you were scared of maybe having a keylogger on your pc from spyware? Yes? Do you get it?

If I had the money, Iโ€™d start a company for dumb, reality technology.

Scientists are too busy with science to consider human morality and ethics down the road.

Itโ€™s not their fault.

They arenโ€™t being paid to care about that.

And all anybody seems to want to do

Is get paid.



Let’s see Paul Allen’s AI features…

Now let’s see Paul Allen’s AI feature

Just ask the AI how to disable it.

Letโ€™s see Paul Allenโ€™s Apple Intelligence

YouTube Auto Translation: “you don’t :D”

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