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yeah these things suck and if you remove them the wrong way they leave massive holes

And I really don’t need 16 of them in 6 pairs of socks, man. wtf?

**especially** in socks.

One time one of these things was buried in a bath towel I used to wipe my face without knowing. Scratched me so bad blood was everywhere. I’m all for banning them!

Not trying to slam sweatshop workers, but what about the ones that are inserted INSIDE a shirt’s neckline?

You can snip it off, but one end is sewn into the friggin’ shirt

I think 0.1 Gram of plastic is about the best we can do to keep our socks together.

Get rid of these and replace them with a bag?

Lmao the amount of people in this thread who clearly rip their brand new shit from packaging like barbarians.

Breh 2 seconds to find scissors and there won’t be a large hole

*Except that one guy who mentioned leather, who tf puts these on leather*

are these even biodegradable

My teeth would be grateful too

honestly, these things are the worst. they leave holes like they’re trying to sabotage you


These need to be dissolvable. Chuck em in the wash and be done.

I think IUD’s are important for some people 🙂

i like to chew them tho

Just cut it off with a scissors?

How are people having issues with these?

I absolutely hate them.

I recycle but is it even recyclable

Idk why they don’t use a piece of thread.

The reinforced bastards are the pawns of Satan

I work in a thrift shop, and I’ll tell you this: These things suck when you have to attach them to clothes, and they suck when you have to remove em from clothes.

You’ll eat them with your fish in the future.
Absolutely despicable.

These were the defining factor in returning clothing for a while
 So much so I bought one of the tagger guns to bypass it.

I hate the multi outfit hangars for kids clothes with these. There’s like 6 of these and you think you have them all removed until you have a fussy baby with no reason to be crying until you change them and find the small half of this has been poking their armpit for hours.

ugh i hate that they leave holes, and i hate when one is still stuck in the SOCK.

People, it’s so easy, find both ends, stick the small side under your nail, it breaks off from the string part super easily, and voilà, the other end pulls out

i’m not. i love chewing on them

I don’t understand how this is more simple than just having an extra strand of fabric to hold everything together??

And when they’re replaced with something only marginally less convenient then people will scream and shout like they do with the straws and the attached bottle caps.

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