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Time isn’t real anymore. It’s just vibes and existential dread.

Why is this a universal experience?

2020-2025 just feels like one giant blur for real.

2019 feels like last week, but somehow I’ve aged 20 years since then.

Only 3?? I swear we are aging in dog years..

I was there Gandalf. I was there 3000 years ago…

I swear one year of the 2010s felt like two of the 2020s.

Can we not have another “once in a lifetime” event occur again?

2019 I was depressed and stretched too thin

2020 I moved out of my parents, got married and, reclaimed my work-life balance

2023 I had a kid and moved out of an apartment

2024 my wife, son, and I bought a house and moved to a brand new city and are living away from our childhood homes for the first time

We’re just existing at this point.

Happy, wife and kid. Happy, wife and 2 kids, sad and divorced.

my 2019 ~ 2025 experience:

2019 ~ 2021 – basketball and volleyball player on school team (even though I’m 169cm tall)

2019 – virgin simp highschool student

2020 – best year, isolated from the world

2021 – virginity lost on the last day of high school, company creation

2022 – company crashed, fake friends, deep depression, drastic weight loss, learning transgenderism, taking hormones

2023 – suicide attempt, quitting HRT, learning about solitude

2024 – losing contests, finally feeling like an adult, getting into debt and gaining 20kg in 2 months

2025 – fired, in debt, in deep shit

The number of people saying that there was nothing new happening in the early 20 teens was wild.

I thought it was just me. 2019-2025 is literally a mostly blur. I just figured it was a mtbi from a city bus being friendly with my skull. Very weird.

A pandemic, 3 different jobs, marriage, 2 kids, what the fuck

Feels like ive served 3 different life sentences since 2019

Time is forever filed in my brain as pre 2020 and post 2020. I hate it.

I love you


It’s a whole new world!

Well, 3 years covid isn’t really normal, isn’t it?

*It’s been 84 years…*

Damn 2019-2025.. 2019.. married … 2020 start living double life. 2021 get addicted to meth… 2022 everything comes crashing down and go on the run. 2023 still running and doing meth. 2024, stop doing meth, discover chatgpt and use it to get a high paying job by some miracle.. 2025. Get back on meth, get fired from job. Time to start the arc over

This stupefying zeitgeist has coalesced into a muck so dense that its taken on a enough mass to warp time and the nature of reality. Its a black void that is inescapable if you venture too close and happen to fall inward. Once inside, as you look out, reality is warped. So much so that you are convinced, in the bowels of your soul, that everyone else is spaghettified, not you. You could never be spaghettified by the stupid singularity. You do your own research, after all.

we are in 2020 season 6

There’s been a lot going on!

And died a few times

I’ve lived just 3 different weeks since 2019

wait arent we still in 2020

nothing feels real anymore

The simulation is dying

Hell, the time from last Thursday to Tuesday seemed like a year in itself

It ain’t 2009 no more

that part

I learned to drive🚗, lost my virginity💦, enlisted and served a full contract in the army🪖, met the love of my life and cheated on her 😢, graduated university🎓, then got headhunted for a job that is in the top 5% for starting salary in my industry 🤑.

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