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“This is an average sized stone monument”

Now show her the scene from Spinal Tap…

I mean tbf Stonehenge was built like 500 years before the pyramids

In Cairo I saw in the medieval district I saw a sign for an eye clinic: “Proudly serving you since 1285”. The eye clinic has been in business since 1285. Ok.

83 stones is rookie numbers.

To be fair, the Pyramids are awesome

Did no one in these comments experience a joke before?

The disrespect is legendary. She didn’t even hesitate.

If only the druids had slaves

Yeah as if modern arab egyptians can take any credit for pyramids

I’ve heard from people who traveled to see it that Stonehenge is quite disappointing in person.

At least they fucking built it themselves. Lugged them stones from fucking miles away, presumably just for the bants.

Speaking as an Irish descendant, true. The english henges are far newer than Irish tombs, less accurate as celestial calendars, far less preserved, and way smaller. Stonehenge *is* a a bit older than the pyramids, but Newgrange is way, way older than either. The pyramids are further in Newgrange’s future than modern day is in the pyramid’s future. The british suppress so much archaeological investigation into Ireland that it’s likely we don’t even *know* about the oldest or largest neolithic structures in Ireland.

As if slave labor didn’t build the pyramids in the first place?


Hahaha shes not wrong


Well it is SMALL

His ancestors conquered the whole world, what do you mean?

Wow very meirl moment. I’m fascinated

Lol 😂

Stonehenge was already 500-1,000 years old before the first pyramid was built.

Lmao 🤣 👍

Lazy druids

If anybody is curious about how they might have built stonehenge, here’s a guy who figure out how to move and raise stone blocks in his backyard using only simple levers, counterweights, and his own manpower.


He has a lot of videos on his channel showing how he moves and lifts blocks.

Stonehenge was built over the course of centuries. Plenty of time for people to learn how to do this using sheer trial and error, and they had entire communities to help, not just one man.

Oh yeah, well we didn’t have aliens helping us!

Stonehenge was bigger before

They dragged those stones 200 miles across country. They didn’t float them down the Nile like pussies.

He works at Facebook

Guess she isn’t going to talk about the Greek or Romans, is she?

Now show her the map of the british empire. Look at who is small and weak now!

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