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“Chicken or beef?”

“Yes please!”

[MFW when I wake up to realize the flight attendant gave out the food while I was sleeping]comment image)

Eye contact is everything

Nodding along when they’re explaining how the seat belts work even though I know the drill

Give him a cookie before hes dead

I don’t have anything meaningful to add but I wanted to thank you for making me go “awwwww” looking at this adorable picture 

Dolphins are marine mammals and do not eat cookies.
They prefer cake.

When I’m on an international flight I always ask them for an extra meal if there are any leftovers at the end of the service. Most of the time I get one! 😊

Omg too accurate 🤣🤣🤣


I am generally pretty passive and do not complain to customer service unless I need to. But I made a polite fuss the one time my flight attendant failed to give me a cookie.

I got two cookies by way of apology.

Can confirm. Flying tomorrow and already practicing. Gotta earn my cookie!

yo lol I saw this on the german version of this sub, r/ich_iel earlier, that’s hilarious 😭 it’s crossing language barriers now

Is this after you self righteously refused to switch seats with a pregnant woman so she can sit with her family? 

that is SO adorable 😭😭 “would like a cookie” you get all the cookies pookie

*visibly shaking* 2WHISKEYS PLEASE. Normally never get charged.


also the same face u maintain waiting for snacks before u resume flight naps

me because i’m convinced if i don’t stare them down they’ll skip me

lol. Yes.

Question: I fly international European, the trolley is always charged and costs a lot. Is it free for Americans/incorporated into the ticket cost?

If I wanted a very mediocre sandwich and a kitkat, it’s around €12-€15. A cup of basic coffee is €5.

Ah now I just reminded myself how much I’ve wasted on airport food 🥲

This is always me in really long flights . I wake up and always get food the last . Just my luck .

This is uncannily accurate.

I needed that chuckle. TY.

Kinda offtopic but that dolphin looks so polite and well-mannered.


Until it’s granola or nuts!! I’m going back to sleep!!


That’s the smile you give a coworker you don’t know that well every time you pass them in the hallway

What’s the protocol on poking the stranger sleeping against the window seat next to you in this situation? I usually let them sleep, but I’m never 100% sure.

How i look at the flight which passes over my house.(:

They should provide cards like hotels – privacy please or cookies please.

If I’m asleep please don’t fucking wake me up to ask if I want water.


Yes please 😂💯

Best part is when the flight attendant gives you a little extra salty snack or cookie…it ain’t much but it makes my day. Flying is awful because airline management crams us like sardines, flight attendants make it bearable … they are the unsung heroes of this industry.


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