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If you can’t afford a ps5 you *really* can’t afford a kid.

Should have spent some of that money on some condoms

People who actively have sex, rawdog it, then act surprised when their girl gets knocked up should have paid attention during sex ed lol

Takes two to tango dude

Those two things are NOT the same price lmfao. If you have to SAVE UP to buy a PlayStation, you CAN NOT afford a kid ๐Ÿ˜‚

The ol’ snip snip costs 1000 bucks and you never have to worry again.

Don’t blame your girlfriend if you got a weak pull out game.

No seriously, guys, if you come in a girl, you better assume you’ll be a dad in 9 months. That’s how that shit works. Don’t want a baby, condoms.

Saving for months for a $500 item? That kid would live in extreme poverty if this was the case.

Guess saving money on condoms was false economy

How much is a shmushmortion?


Damn, covid? Tough break…

Well, you got yourself to blame for this

How dare she

Shouldn’t have saved on those condoms

Once I decided I didn’t want kids, I immediately got a vasectomy. I was never going to let one slip past the goalie and end up in this situation. I don’t think less of those that do though.

Like gamers have girlfriends.

Absolutely not me irl

You don’t have a girlfriend this isn’t meirl

Having a baby actually will take even more time than money. Unless you’re a shit parent and/or you skip a lot of sleep, that playstation 5 would be useless for years if you still decided to buy it.

This is what happens when neither of you use protection.

Sex education, and all that.

Congrats! Now man up.

Don’t wanna be rude but saving up for months to just get a ps5 is really sad

She as covid

You spent months trying to buy a $500 console? Lmao your not ready for a kid

If you can’t afford a coat hanger you never could afford that PS5 mate

Buy PS5 now, save more money until baby arrives

Is it still $500 to make that problem go away? It’s been 30 years since I’ve been in this position.

oh no ew
good luck brother

Don’t make kids if you are broke

I would file that under “sad day for you” buddy. Why didn’t you wrap up?

Man better get three more jobs

โ€œOh no I came inside her, this is all her faultโ€ ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ โ€œwhat a bitch !โ€

Welcome to half your monthly daycare payment.

That’s not your girlfriend doing something to you, that’s literally you impregnating your girlfriend.ย 

Shouldnโ€™t have impregnated her.

Pregnancy takes 2 people. Your just as at fault here as she is. She didnt spring anything on you. You did this to yourself.

Well, it’s not like she knocked herself up.

My guy, you NEVER skip on birth control for a gaming console.

Because if you have to pinch pennies for a PS5 you are not going to be able to afford a kid.

Yep, itโ€™s totally all her faultโ€ฆ๐Ÿ™„

This post is obnoxious for so many reasons.

Buttsex is wild and leaves no child

If you need to save up for months to afford a PS5 then you might have better stuff to do and spend your money on than buying the newest console

Buying condoms might be a start

Why do people always comment like the OP is the one who made the image?

condoms you idiot

Good, at least you won’t waste money on a useless box

Two kids and now when they’re older I have some time and can play games lmao. Money is another issue… Waiting for them to grow up and go to work, so I can stop working and finally relax.

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