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Before listening to country, I wasnโ€™t even aware of the existence of red dirt or the importance of driving on roads made of them

You forgot the truck/chevy/tractor…

Then there’s the happy gender neutral drinking all day/night at the bar medium.

Just a random coincidence Iโ€™m sure

The question contains the answer huehue

Obligatory link when it comes to country. No shade just makes me smile everytime

Oh, it’s not “Oops I killed my husband” it’s “I killed my fucking husband and I’d do it again.”

I adore classic country music and female revenge country is a great subset. And not just of the husband murder variety.

On one hand you’ll have

Dolly Parton: Jolene, I’m begging of you, please don’t take my man.

[On the other hand, Loretta Lynn singing this with a big, beautiful smile on her face](

Loretta Lynn: If you don’t wanna go to fist city, you better detour around my town. Cause I’ll grab you by the hair of the head and I’ll lift you off of the ground.

Sounds like cause and effect to me

Bad country is about girls.

Good country is about loss.

Can I post this next week? baby needs new karma shoes

Country husbands have a hard time keeping their hands to themselves. They ain’t heard bout Earl.

It fully depicts the truth of how country life is.

I seen a spoof about country music and the dude basically sings “dirt dirt dirt, crops, tractor! Dirt dirt dirt” and that’s all I hear now, I even like country

Iโ€™m in my F150 with a girl who looks so nifty in her high school uniform and pony tail. I didnโ€™t ask her age cause i earn a decent wage and my lawyer he can keep me out of jail.

You forgot guns, God, and alcohol. Which answers your question, I believe.

I’ve got a beer in my beer and a Chevy in my truck. Got a dog at the wheel, cut off jeans, truck.

You don’t see the relation?

Yall sleeping on country music

I noticed a lot of country songs always have a love interest “on the other side of town”

Bro what country music are you guys listening to?

Is there a term for when someone asks a question, but the answer to the question they’re asking is in the question they’re asking?

Idk about yaโ€™ll but I fully subscribe to the theory that 911 ruined country music

Because the men who sing like that tend to treat women terribly, especially in the past, so women in that culture have a lot of suppressed negative feelings that manifest in music

Wasnโ€™t the biggest male country song a few years ago vaguely about lynching people that didnโ€™t support racist police in small towns?

Shockingly, the guys that like the the ‘values’ of the gendered music don’t tend to make the best husbands.

There is a stereotype that conservatives don’t know how to fuck…

The question answers itself.

You know why. We all know why.

This is funny, but if youโ€™re actually a fan of country music, its musical & lyrical decline is a fucking tragedy.

Before 9/11 country music used to be the music of resistance in America. It was about traditional values sure but it had a lot of elements of also saying fuck the government and such. Post 9/11 there was a major shift of patriotism where every male country Star had to be very pro American and pro government all of a sudden. This meant highlighting the family and traditional values, and removing anything else basically. So we ended up with Yeeehaa hot girls and trucks music. Meanwhile female country stars, at least a lot of them, held onto the spirit of resistance and continued pushing for female rights as well as telling off government. One needs only look at how the Dixie Chicks, now only known as the Chicks, went from beloved to hated during the post 9/11 era for their messages on their music

One is the result of the otherโ€ฆ itโ€™s like they donโ€™t listen to each others songs

That’s just the same couple, the girl side of the song just came after

The second one is because of the first one. Solved.

I think they answered their own question.

Cause and effect

Because the male country singers say that to every young thang while their wife is sitting right there.

Donโ€™t forget about them having sex with their trucks

Not a surprise that most reddit comments just automatically assume the man is at fault as if women can’t also just be horrible people who are in the wrong. Classic misandry from reddit.

Male country is about possessing women. Female country is them breaking free of that possession.

Name 3 songs

Rock, flag and eagle

Because those teeny tiny shorts chafe.

Used to be the opposite.

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