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I get it now, life as an adult is both physically and mentally exhausting.

Perhaps I treated you too harshly.

Good ol empathy hits hardest when your finally walk in someone shoes

My mom would say life’s a bitch and then you die. I totally get it and honestly, now appreciate her sense of humor about it.

I’m lucky if I make it past sundown

I get home from work and can literally be asleep in my recliner in less than 5 minutes.

Y’all were hating on bro being tired after work??? Shit he’d come home shower and we’d eat together then just sit on the couch and watch tv it was nice to be able to relax with him

You guys can make it to 8 pm??

I get why mom would freak out if I was too loud after 5 pm. And why dad would beat my ass for it now too

I’m taking a melatonin at 8pm so I can start dozing by 9.

Omy, you’re right. I fall sleep on the couch right after work at 4pm.

And for drinking …

Your forgiving. Now you know son. I’m tired boss. See you in the morning.

This is so true that I just sent this to him as a well deserved apology.

Me either… however, I also always thought my dad got home at six pm because that’s when he was done working… he got out of work at two pm and spent four hours at the bar.

Y’all are allowed to fall asleep at 8pm? Damn! The only alone time I get is after my wife and son fall asleep! I try to make it to 10pm before passing out, I’m usually unsuccessful.

my dad would work 60 to 80 hours a week for years and never once took a vacation. All my sisters would have jobs and go to school. My mom was the only person that did not work or go to school, but she decided that no one was allowed to sleep during sunlight hours.

if she saw my dad napping (or any of us) , she would yell

I literally can’t stay awake if I sit down after work. Definitely judged others poorly

Finally one of these is meirl

I did not judge my father enough for making the decision to become a father. Wish I thought about that one a little longer.

Yes! I get it now.

“I’m not asleep I’m just resting my eyes”

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