the money takes the same amount of time for transactions both ways. when you pay with a credit card, it will instantly display it in your bank account for convenience, so you don’t “forget” about money you technically spent. when you do a refund however, the money doesn’t show up in your account until the transaction has actually been processed, but they both take the same amount of time.
the only time when it’s actually instant is on debit cards (and cash). those are instant.
to add to this, why does it take so long for credit transactions to be processed? no clue. i work for a payment acquirer, on our side it’s pretty instant, the bank is the part that makes it take time. it does have some security perks tho. it gives extra time to cancel the transaction in cases of fraud and stuff like that. credit card transactions are much safer in general, why is probably the cause for the delays.
13 days ago
You’re only seeing half of the process. When you make a purchase, the protocol starts but the transaction isn’t fully complete….the money shows it leaving your account instantly, but it isn’t deposited into the other account instantly. It needs to be processed then deposited into the receiving account (24-48hrs). Then the opposite happens for the refund. It leaves their account instantly, then needs to be processed then deposited into your account (24-48 hrs). The extra days in between are if the company feels they need to review the return and their policies
13 days ago
Destruction is easy but putting it back the way it was takes grace
13 days ago
13 days ago
How come when I send a letter it leaves my home immediately but when someone else sends it to me I have to wait for delivery?
13 days ago
It’s all about the cash flow.
13 days ago
I work at a call center and I get to tell people it takes 120 days to process refunds at my work. They love hearing about “my” policy and loudly share their thoughts about my education level and general competence.
13 days ago
It is some bullshit
13 days ago
Why does it take my friend an hour to get here when it takes me 2 minutes to leave?
13 days ago
That money is gone Sir, please reserve this line for bank customers only thanks
13 days ago
The real reason is that they invest your money and earn a return on it. Holding everyone’s money for just a few days gives them a steady pool of cash that allows them to make a fortune.
Technically they could easily refund your money instantly but they don’t because legally they don’t have to. Thank your elected officials who wrote the laws.
13 days ago
Simple they need to try and basically make it again when they basically spent it all when you gave it to them man
13 days ago
Actually, there’s good reasons for it to prevent the bank for being victims of fraud. But screw them I want my money now.!
13 days ago
wheres my money? – stewie
13 days ago
Probably so THEY can get 7 – 10 days extra interest on YOUR money.
13 days ago
Anyone thinking this is well thought out never fucking sent a letter in the mail.
Jeezus some people aren’t the brightest bulbs…
13 days ago
I feel like it’s standard practice that if someone if giving you money, it doesn’t need to be investigated. Someone asking for money back has to be looked into
13 days ago
The funniest part of working in software development is I noticed the proclivity of bosses to implement measures that were purely “smoke and mirrors” (quite literally in all of their words). It didn’t matter that we were lying to the customer – we just had to make them believe this new feature was working the way we sold it.
This often meant making simulations of things happening – often with fun little animations and tweens to make it all look more engaging and realtime. Never mind it was never the truth – but it bolstered our approval by loads. They never needed to know the actual action they thought happened took more than a couple days – we just had to show them a pretty animation or a pizza tracker or anything to confirm that what they did had some kind of immediate feedback.
Which is why I’m always at odds with this same question myself but yet I know deep down inside why it is meant to be asked. I’ve made statements work just this way – yet I still laugh at memes like OP posted for the incredulity of it all
It’s like everytime you see this tv show and when the actors delete files on their computers they have fancy little graphics showing the file being incinerated or run through a little shredder graphic, often with big flashing banners saying FILE DELETED.
Bitch, the file was deleted 5 seconds ago. This is just to make your monkey brain feel good. I couldn’t tell you why the monkey brain wants the digital shredder so bad over just having the file disappear the moment it actually is deleted – but I collect a paycheck to make it so, and you all demanded it. So here we are, monkey
13 days ago
Preach 🙏
13 days ago
Because they want to milk a couple extra days of interest from you. It adds up quickly.
13 days ago
the same people who think this are the same people who wonder why their bank account isn’t taking money out after they spend it and end up overspending casue they think they have enough
13 days ago
Its so they have more capital to invest and make money off of. Same reason payroll isnt daily yet.
so fun fact
the money takes the same amount of time for transactions both ways. when you pay with a credit card, it will instantly display it in your bank account for convenience, so you don’t “forget” about money you technically spent. when you do a refund however, the money doesn’t show up in your account until the transaction has actually been processed, but they both take the same amount of time.
the only time when it’s actually instant is on debit cards (and cash). those are instant.
to add to this, why does it take so long for credit transactions to be processed? no clue. i work for a payment acquirer, on our side it’s pretty instant, the bank is the part that makes it take time. it does have some security perks tho. it gives extra time to cancel the transaction in cases of fraud and stuff like that. credit card transactions are much safer in general, why is probably the cause for the delays.
You’re only seeing half of the process. When you make a purchase, the protocol starts but the transaction isn’t fully complete….the money shows it leaving your account instantly, but it isn’t deposited into the other account instantly. It needs to be processed then deposited into the receiving account (24-48hrs). Then the opposite happens for the refund. It leaves their account instantly, then needs to be processed then deposited into your account (24-48 hrs). The extra days in between are if the company feels they need to review the return and their policies
Destruction is easy but putting it back the way it was takes grace
How come when I send a letter it leaves my home immediately but when someone else sends it to me I have to wait for delivery?
It’s all about the cash flow.
I work at a call center and I get to tell people it takes 120 days to process refunds at my work. They love hearing about “my” policy and loudly share their thoughts about my education level and general competence.
It is some bullshit
Why does it take my friend an hour to get here when it takes me 2 minutes to leave?
That money is gone Sir, please reserve this line for bank customers only thanks
The real reason is that they invest your money and earn a return on it. Holding everyone’s money for just a few days gives them a steady pool of cash that allows them to make a fortune.
Technically they could easily refund your money instantly but they don’t because legally they don’t have to. Thank your elected officials who wrote the laws.
Simple they need to try and basically make it again when they basically spent it all when you gave it to them man
Actually, there’s good reasons for it to prevent the bank for being victims of fraud. But screw them I want my money now.!
wheres my money? – stewie
Probably so THEY can get 7 – 10 days extra interest on YOUR money.
Anyone thinking this is well thought out never fucking sent a letter in the mail.
Jeezus some people aren’t the brightest bulbs…
I feel like it’s standard practice that if someone if giving you money, it doesn’t need to be investigated. Someone asking for money back has to be looked into
The funniest part of working in software development is I noticed the proclivity of bosses to implement measures that were purely “smoke and mirrors” (quite literally in all of their words). It didn’t matter that we were lying to the customer – we just had to make them believe this new feature was working the way we sold it.
This often meant making simulations of things happening – often with fun little animations and tweens to make it all look more engaging and realtime. Never mind it was never the truth – but it bolstered our approval by loads. They never needed to know the actual action they thought happened took more than a couple days – we just had to show them a pretty animation or a pizza tracker or anything to confirm that what they did had some kind of immediate feedback.
Which is why I’m always at odds with this same question myself but yet I know deep down inside why it is meant to be asked. I’ve made statements work just this way – yet I still laugh at memes like OP posted for the incredulity of it all
It’s like everytime you see this tv show and when the actors delete files on their computers they have fancy little graphics showing the file being incinerated or run through a little shredder graphic, often with big flashing banners saying FILE DELETED.
Bitch, the file was deleted 5 seconds ago. This is just to make your monkey brain feel good. I couldn’t tell you why the monkey brain wants the digital shredder so bad over just having the file disappear the moment it actually is deleted – but I collect a paycheck to make it so, and you all demanded it. So here we are, monkey
Preach 🙏
Because they want to milk a couple extra days of interest from you. It adds up quickly.
the same people who think this are the same people who wonder why their bank account isn’t taking money out after they spend it and end up overspending casue they think they have enough
Its so they have more capital to invest and make money off of. Same reason payroll isnt daily yet.
They’re making interest on it