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I try to tell myself the “regular” price is the 28 day price, and the other 11 months THEY’RE the sucker.

Doesn’t work.

Bc you’re paying a year lease in 12 installments.

True. I deserve a 2 day credit. That’s a significant amount when your rent is $2,000

(weekly rent x 52 )/12

Per calendar month

Rent is for 365 days for giving you key, whether you stay in or not

You also get the same salary so it should cancel out

Its also the same price for 30 days as it is for 31 days

Where I live most rent is paid by the week

If you worked it out as each month being 30 days you’d owe them for 5 days.

So you actually get 5 days of rent free.

Is Australia the only country where you pay rent weekly? You sign a lease with weekly payments, get paid weekly too


It goes to cover the five extra days of free rent we get every year.

Thanks for opening up the box. Full rent is now for 28 days. Anything past the 28 day mark per month is an extra charge.

The best you’ll get with this argument is a little light bulb turning on in your landlord’s head and they start charging more on 30 day months. So you’ll get your cheaper 28 day month “genie style.”

Landlords: Great point, let’s increase rent for 31 days months.

30 days?

Is my

In Australia, rent prices are usually advertised at a per week rate… and most often you pay fortnightly (every 2 weeks). Rarely you’ll find places that charge per calendar month and those will take your weekly rate, divide by 7 then times the number of days in the month so your rent fluctuates each month.

Same reason salaries employees are paid the same in Feb vs any other month.

And don’t get me wrong, I’m not defending housing costs, only the logic in the payment structure.

I guess that’s why in Great Britain the rent is quoted on a per week basis

Rent is $xxx per month. Not per xx days. Next question

I guess its the same as “why is the salary for 28 days same as 31 days”. Did you asked your employer to reduce your salary?

Then you should also ask why is your monthly income same for jan and feb

School has failed you.

It averages out to 30 days per month

When you realize that paying rent is like buying a subscription to life, and somehow, it always feels like you’re getting charged more than you signed up for!

factsss though, it makes no sense!

Careful they’ll ask for more now!

My job provides my housing. I pay an annual rent divided by 26 pays which is directly removed from our paychecks. On the odd year when there are 27 pays, they don’t deduct rent. It feels like free housing.

Yearly rent divided by twelve.

My old land lord was the sweetest old man. I remember when he told me he had to raise the rent. And he was really upset. You could tell he didn’t want to have the conversation. When he said it would only be $100 more I was floored. I thought he was going to raise it significantly higher to match all the other apartments prices in the area. Good man.

Lol we pay weekly here in Australia

how is rent for 31 days the same as 28? You owe for 20 more days

Because that is the contract that you chose to sign. If you wanted it done differently, you could have proposed a different agreement.

We should all weaponize our fabricated ignorance like that: “Hey I only ate 90% of the meal, I want a 10% refund!”

Wtf you actually live like this in the US? Do you get paid the same each month also??

My Lebara phone plan renews every 28 days

Wait until people realise that 52 weeks in a year adds up to 13 months.

February is a net positive if you’re working as it’s less days to spend on e.g. food but same payment from work

Never thought of that…

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