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You know who’s the worst? The people who ask you questions or otherwise expect your input, but cut you off half way through and don’t return the conversation to where they cut you off.

I used to always say “Good morning” / “See you later” etc to my work colleagues, but one of them always ignored me because he was too busy chatting to his friend, so I eventually gave up trying to talk to him. Months later, I entered the office to find him mid-rant about how horrible I am because “He never says ‘Good morning’ or anything; it’s not hard to be polite!”

It WAS quite funny when he realised I’d just entered the room, and he tried to style it out as if he was talking about rude people in general, rather than shit-talking me to all of our colleagues behind my back.

Silent by choice? Nah, just out here competing in the Interruptions olympics

Immediate reflex response ‘to you, yes. To the people I like? No’

Just today, my co-worker said she didn’t know I had a degree and that I needed to speak up… the issue is not that I didn’t say, the issue is that you didn’t listen.

You must know my colleague. Every single time I try to say something she turns it into something about her. Eventually I gave up and just don’t say shit.

I’m a guy. I had this same thing happen to me when I started a new job in Chicagoland. I was told I was too quiet in meetings by my lead. I responded as above and was told to just ignore it and power through.

Two things that stood out after that:

1. This is the default in Chicagoland, there are no manners around speech. I will also state that I am tired of the world running on opinions and not facts, of which manners are a form of opinions, so it is hypocritical of me to complain about this, but what can you do.

2. It was later used against me saying that I was rude because I spoke over “certain” people. Apparently, only those of us being flogged were those allowed to be talked over, never ever do it vertically, only horizontally to those pre-approved, though the list was never published.

This happened during a dnd session once. The downside of online sessions.

Me and this other player were waiting our turn to go, when these two players who had already gone WENT A SECOND TIME. Me and said other player who hadn’t had a chance to go had tried to speak up but kept getting talked over.

Anyway, the dm finally goes, “Hey, do yall want to do something? You haven’t done anything yet.” In my youth I may have meekly just accepted the disrespect, but I’m a grown woman. I dont have time for that nonsense. I called them out for it, and the dm for letting it happen. I wasn’t mean about it for the record, but I was firm.

“you’re so quiet”

Well, it makes a change from being “too loud” and “too talkative”.

Yeah, when I’m with a group of people it’s not necessarily that I don’t want to talk, it’s just that I can’t get a damn word in.

I am on both sides of that post. I hate interrupting (hard to control it) and hate being interrupted.

!!!!! This right here.


Story of my entire freaking LIFE. If I’m not getting interrupted, I’m waiting patiently for a lull in the conversation so I can contribute. And by that time, everyone has moved on to a completely different topic.

“you’re so quiet” thanks! I wanted to say something for the past 10 minutes but waited until there was a break in your speech like a decent human being, but you never stopped talking the whole time

I keep letting you talk, and then you talk for 5 straight minutes with zero gaps, and I can’t get a word in without interrupting you

Here’s an introvert’s trick to get them to leave you alone:

“just thinking privately to myself about all the ways I could murder you”

i love actually saying that to people or just not letting them cut me off by just continuing to talk. and if i do cut someone off i make a point to come back around to it like a decent person by just going “sorry i cut you off, what were you saying” and if they forgot i just repeat what they started saying. it really isnt hard to be considerate both and assertive.

I catch myself doing it sometimes… Sorry

My life everyday. Honestly.

God this was me whenever I was with my ex’ family. They always made it seem like whatever I had to say had less value then their words and opinions. Plus they always spoke about stuff I had no knowledge of, what am I supposed to add to that?

My parents are like this and it drives me absolutely insane. I’ll be over at their place and start to tell them something I think they’d find interesting and literally halfway through my thought/sentence either one of them will just quickly interject a completely off-topic thought/story/sentence. It’s so infuriating and they never even bother to acknowledge that I was talking in the first place. Now that I’m an adult, I’m always the quiet one, wonder the fuck why.

this is IT


Oh, that feeling. That feeling sucks.

the person probably did it by accident and the reddit type would respond like this, ruining the conversation completely instead of just brushing it off or politely helping the person realize what they are doing wrong. learn to be understanding of people’s mistakes

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