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Missing Pre-Covid 24 hour Walmarts so bad

Every since COVID I do my grocery store run at 7am, there’s no going back.

I always get my groceries the minute they open. On the days i get stuck going in the evening I am always baffled at the legions of middle aged people who walk around like brain dead zombies as if they were cavemen transported through time, struggling to comprehend their environment.

I do not undersrand how i can fill an entire cart, pay, bag my stuff, and leave all in 10 minutes. But the people i walked in with are still figuring out aisle 2. Get your shit or get out of the way omfg.

I went to costco at 1:30 this afternoon…saw the parking lot went home lol

During atheist hour on Sunday

This is 100% me on Sunday mornings.

Unless I am out of something that I NEED, I 100% go to stores at like 6:02am on a Sunday, literal minutes after they open and do all of my shopping while the overnight stockers are still finishing up.

I cannot stand being around other people to a level that cannot be put into words… I also naturally wake up (without a word of a lie) at about 3:00am everyday due to lifelong crippling insomnia. So it does work out in the end.

I’m serious, if like halfway through the week I am like, “oh I’m running low on dish soap” I don’t make a special trip, I wait until Sunday morning…. Plus living alone and shopping for one really helps your perspective in what you NEED vs what you WANT.

I work overnights, and nothing is better than shopping after a shift on weekday. Literally no one else is there.

I thank the lord for my 24-hour local grocery store everytime I shop. I go at 4am, stoned off my ass, just me and the stockers.

Go out to dinner at 4:30 so we donā€™t have to wait for a table

I fucking love an early dinner

Set an alarm on an actual alarm clock at night.

True story!

Bird watch. Crochet.

Hell yeah! It’s the only way I can pay $3.49 for a dozen eggs at Trader Joe’s. Otherwise, eggs are a minimum $7 a dozen anywhere else

Because I have a dad with back problems, I made old man grunting noises as a toddler.

Tell my kids to quiet down because I have to wake up early for work.

Collect coins

I will not go out at night unless absolutely necessary.

What’s up with this? This kinda annoys me. I work with people, and I’ve noticed people have gotten like crazy tucking stupid.

Wtf is going on?

I realize I was old when I noticed that I always had at least some extra napkins in some pocket somewhere.

Depression. Been doing it since I was a child.

Prefer talking to texting.

I budget and pay my bills, saving up for things to pay in cash instead of accruing interest through financing.

Get up whenever I feel like it. Generally about 10.

Listen to music from 20 years ago. Say movies were better in the 90s and they donā€™t make ā€˜em like they used to in reference to early 2000s things.

Use a desktop PC. Enjoy physical media, like blu rays.

Wear a robe and slippers.

Get pissed off at unruly teenagers roaming around.

This is my permanent COVID behavior change. Nothing like walking the aisles at Trader Joe’s when there’s only, like, 5 other customers and the one employee pushing the Zamboni around.

Years ago I started making those loud sighing noises old people making when sitting down because I thought it was funny and now in social settings I do it almost every single time without even thinking about it

Mine is grunting or groaning every time I sit down or get up. Started as a joke but now I can’t stop, and I can’t tell if I’m doing it ironically or not anymore.

I swear I saw this exact post hit r/all on a couple of subs last week (including this one?),but “Run errands” guy was someone different.

I still watch TV, on a TV

Walmart I go to has a sensory friendly time in the morning when I get off work where they play no music. Guess when I do my grocery shopping? It’s so nice. It’s quiet (if i listen to music I use headphones) and hardly anyone is there. It’s gotten to the point where I hate getting any amount of groceries at any other time. Evenings during the week and Saturday afternoons are the worst.

Coffee at night to unwind

If Iā€™m not at the grocery store by 9AM, Iā€™m not going.

I worked at Family Video and when I closed I’d drive to Walmart at 1am and buy a frozen pizza or beef with broccoli kit, a soda, and a dessert and then go home and get very stoned.

I absolutely can’t wake up that early. I go to Walmart around 10pm since they close at 11. Not a lot of people then either, I’m in and out in like 15 minutes, 20 of I’m lolly gagging or being indecisive.

Only downside is they close the home & pharmacy entrance at 9 and I hate trekking across the store.

Hard to understand living alone

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