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When I took a mirror out driving a truck for work I explained to the boss that a tree hit the mirror so that it wasn’t actually my fault.

Well, when a meteor falls we say a meteor fell not ” the earth just smashed into another rock”

not a big problem these days with mass insect extinction and whatnot

I had a deer run into the side of my car while I was driving. Went to police station to file report for insurance purposes and said a deer hit my car. Lady officer corrected me and said “you hit a deer?” No a deer hit me.

She came out to look at the car. Saw the dent on my drivers door and the blood and hair on the mirror, plus the face print of the deer on my window.

“So a deer did hit you!” she said. Yes, yes it did.

Now you don’t know that! Could be, in bug society, the bugs know all about highways and only the small percentage (of the overall fly population) are thrill-seeking bugs, who live their lives on the edge, dare to navigate the highway, for the thrill of it. Living their short lives one quarter-mile at a time.

They may be the insane base jumpers of their society, considered completely uninsurable by Bugshire Hathaway or Allstate AntFarm…

I say the same thing for the 80yo in the crosswalk.

I bet the bug’s family calls it a tragic high speed encounter

Especially since we say “your car hit me” when it comes to humans lol

I hit a baby owl once. I cried while trying to pry it out of the grill on my car. Still thinking about that little owl family

What’s the last thing that goes through a bug’s mind when it hits a windshield?

It’s ass.

Honestly I dont see bugs hitting my windows anymore…

It used to be that I had to pull over and clean the windshield at least once a day from all the various insects.

These days there are so few insects I havent had to do that in about a decade.

And yes, this is both rural and suburban driving where you’d expect to see them.

Never admit you were the one who hit the other guy.

Oh man I always feel guilty when a butterfly or bumble bee hits my windscreen and you hear that little thud as you become a murderer. A rabbit once run under my wheels from the bushes and I’ll take that guilt with me to my grave it was 13 years ago and it still gives me its

Insert gif of The Boys scene

History is written by the victors hehe

This is basically how history text books work

We don’t say that at all anymore because there are no more bugs. Oh well. I bet that’s not the harbinger of anything. 

Kinda like bird strikes and airplanes. We’re the ones flying around with giant metal machines at hundreds of miles per hour

“I’m stuck in traffic” when you are traffic. Same POV.

History is written by the winners. The bug lost.

Newton’s third law says otherwise


I wonder if bugs think we built the highways just to kill them.

A bird hit my car once. The *side* of my car. I was going highway speeds and it managed to perfectly time its flight across the highway in order to hit the back window.

This sounds like a Mitch Hedburg joke. 😂

Oh is this alluding to the view of someone on Russia vs Ukraine?

I mean.. they have wings… should flew around

Maybe the bugs family should have educated it on the dangers of highways.

They were the ones crossing against traffic.

[Fleco]comment image)

“I swear that fucker came out of nowhere!”

“I swear officer, that kid hit my car!”

Sounds like one of those “history is written by the victor” scenarios

I know the last thing on that bug’s mind when he hit that windshield.

His ass.

That reminds me of an old timer song

Sometimes you are th windshield, sometimes you are the bug. Sometimes it all comes together, baby, sometimes you’re gonna lose it all

That bottom one looks like it got hit with a budget cut mid-mold. Stay strong, little trooper. 💀🍫

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