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anyone driving slower than me: “alright grandma let’s pick up the pace this isn’t 1920”

anyone driving faster than me: “jesus fuck mario andretti where do you have to be??”

They can laugh all they want, it’s a company truck and I am hourly lol

I got a ticket for going the same speed as the guy ahead of me, 82 in a 70. I start driving 5mph slower on that commute and now everyone gets impatient behind me.

Discussing traffic on Reddit is just a way to realize that almost everyone is an idiot, probably yourself included in so many ways lol but of course everyone loves to act like however they drive is perfect, safe, and always 100% legal no matter what.

Keep right except to pass.

Drive the speed limit. Who cares what others think, just don’t impede traffic.

Weird, I typically drive the speed limit and regularly pass people. I never go more than 5 over, my rule of thumb is 10% or 5mph over, whichever is less, so I’m rarely the fastest person out there.

Maybe because the speed limit is 80mph here, I don’t feel much need to drive faster than the speed limit.

So long as you care about giving way to faster traffic as much as you care about the speed limit we’re fine

As long as you’re in the right lane, I don’t care.

It’s fine as long as your in the right lane

Driving the speed limit is fine, just not in the left lane or the passing lane

I could be going 80 in a 70 zone and there will still be a line of cars zooming past me.

Yup. Everyone else is pissed that you’re slower than them

I have no problem at all with people that drive the speed limit. Just don’t do it on the left lane

No you can drive whatever speed you want as long as you stay out of the passing lane.

The passing lane is for passing. Not for driving “the speed limit”. If you are not passing, GET OUT.

You can go the speed limit, just stay all the way to the right, where you belong.

My mum always gets annoyed at tailgaters and yells “It’s my licences mate!” 😭

Get out of the passing lane with your speed limit obeying. The left lane is for CRIME

You’re welcome to do the speed limit, but it better be in the right lanes. If you’re camped in the passing lane doing the speed limit, then you’re just as bad as the speeders

The safest speed on the highway is the same speed as the other drivers. If you’re in the leftmost lane, I expect you at minimum to be going as fast as the drivers to your right.

No one cares as long as you’re not in the left lane. Stay on the right and people can pass all they want.

Time to speed it up a little.

The only difference is that I’m not ashamed, I’m angrily defiant.

You don’t like the speed limit? I couldn’t care less.

Sniped em all

No, that’s the dating pool

If you’re driving slower than everyone else, you’re in the wrong.

If you’re in the left lane and inching past the car you’re passing, you deserve it. Scumbag.

You can go 20 under for all I care, just get the fuck out of the left lane so I can use the 5 miles of open freeway ahead of you.

The problem is that your in the middle of the pool going too slow, get on the edge!

I mean, if you’re afraid to drive then don’t drive.

My favorite thing to do in my small town is going the speed limit. I’ve had people scream at me, flip me off, and act like animals all because I was doing the speed limit. It’s the best part about leaving the house. Oh, the joy it brings me to watch Impatient people lose their shit.

It’s because you aren’t using the right lane or maybe even hogging passing (left) lane. People don’t care if you drive slow on the right. (But also, not uncommon to have “don’t drive too slow against flow of the traffic” sort of law.)

No literally

Even the slow kid is laughing at you…

if you drive the speed limit the only people you pass are going below and the only people that pass you are going above the speed limit.

You never interact with the other people going the speed limit.

When my fossil fuel allowance is NOT being subtracted from my net income. Than, I will drive like I stole it.


The reality of being labeled a critical thinker, its a Not Sure curse.

This is what it feels like using your blinker or obeying really any road law post pandemic smh

My favorite is watching the full size trucks and SUVs in my area drive like complete assholes in town, then suddenly start driving safely when they get where… right near their house, of course, fucking scumbags.

That’s why the Garden State Parkway is so great, everyone is going 80.

sometimes if theres only one lane in each direction I’ll pull over to the side to let them pass

just so I don’t have to worry about them rear ending me if I have to break suddenly

just the other day a car break checked me

the only reason I had enough time to break because I was following them at a safe distance

if I wasn’t I would have been fucked

defensive driving really is important

During my commute home, I hit so much rush hour that I coast in the rightmost lane, and people will tail gate me until they realize there’s 2 other lanes on the left… the passing lanes. 5 min later, we’re aside each other in stop & go traffic, and I always look at them and chuckle. Sends them into a rage.

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