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Dude is giving ideas to people now

We should start talking about how bad it is again, watch the Republicans twist themselves into saying it’s not that bad and yeah, start dosing themselves with asbestos

Bless your heart- there are plenty of young construction workers currently playing Russian roulette at work every day still. Although many big builders and smaller ones are vigilant about asbestos safety, there are plenty of cowboy builders taking risks with their staff to save time and money still.

Not sure about asbestos, but: With leaded petrol, cigarettes, cars, fucking uranium and radiation, it already happened even back then. People spent millions to populize the products, and supress and deny information about them being incredible dangerous. People drank lead to prove lead isn’t poisonous (they got lead poisoning obviously). People worked in factories touching uranium all day, only for their fucking jaws to fall off, despite it being known that it is dangerous at the time. Same old tale, same old humans. Im sure you could find examples from even ancient people. 

Latest TikTok challenge, spend the night in an asbestos lined mattress

Owning the libs one lung at a time

The funny thing is asbestos actually isn’t very dangerous unless it’s disturbed and airborne. My high school had asbestos insulation, and they didn’t have to do anything about it at all until they renovated the building. But then it was a huge ordeal to keep it contained during removal

I miss the 60s when real men would huff Agent Orange in ‘Nam for fun.

Imagine trying to remove lead from gas today. The maga crowd would go nuts.

That already happens in Russia (to a way less bad degree). Saw a vice doc on it where a dude demonstrated it’s safe by tearing some up in his office.

Amazing what giving idiots unlimited access to attention and attention seekers can lead to.

Literally every improvement: unleaded gasoline, catalytic converters, seatbelts, airbags ALL of it would be controversial today

They’ll also be conspiracy theories about how *mesothelioma* is an engineered disease that only targets the *pro-asbestos* community.

Absolutely 👍 😆

They used to throw it at each other like “snowballs”.

Not a bad idea honestly.

Thanks for the idea for my new Tiktok!!!

Who are you in real life, OP? The one bathing in and snorting asbestos??? Why did you say this is you in real life???

It reminds me when cr1tikal said if the government told us the air was safe to breathe then conspiracy theorists would stop breathing

Tho the government saying that would be sus tbh but yk what he meant by that 😂

Be careful, they might still have the idea saved for a rainy day 😄

We, as a group, have the chance to do the funniest thing in history.

Then Eeyore got an idea. A wonderful, awful idea!

Makes me think of the people who willingly eat glass fiber or fall on it …

they still might. plenty of people like to “revisit” these things to debunk them. like every study and protective measures made are all some huuuge cover-ip.

next it’ll be, how can lead be bad for you!? it tastes so sweet! like and subscribe so we can do this very important research!

We should do that then

Not a bad idea 🤷‍♂️

Drinking bleach is also bad. Don’t do that.

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