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Hasn’t there been like 500 posts all with different celebrities saying this exact thing? I know there is a Jim Carrey one out there


>Sometimes I eat too much ice-cream and I get an upset tummy, and I wonder if it is worth it. And then the **farts** come, and everything is right in the world again. The **farts make it all worth it**.

Being alone…and worth $60 million

Facebook-ass post

Nah, I love being around good people.

Doubt he even said that bur it sounds like what a Tom Hardy fan would say

That’s when you have the choice to be alone.

wise man

This is why I loved covid (not the dead people part)

British people don’t say addicting that’s an Americanism. Doubtful he said this

I like being alone as there are too many toxic people and I don’t want to deal with them anymore.

exactly. f people

People… not a big fan

I like Tom hardy more and more. I think we could hang out but it sounds like he wouldn’t be down for it lol

Love working from home for this reason. I worked two decades in person at the office, but since Covid have been WFH and it’s so much more peaceful and I don’t hear any gossip anymore.

He’s not wrong. I LOVE not having to have bullshit office chats working remotely. I hate people anyhow.

Does Tom Hardy know that he said that?

I’ve said it before but 99% of your problems come from someone else. The 1% is your poor mental health or habits.

That’s great Thomas. But what’s up with Season 2 of Taboo???!? 🤔🧐

Haha totally *cries in recent divorce *

My raging agoraphobia vibes with this.

I’d rather just be with my dog.

Livin that life right mow for the past 3 years

Are you my boomer dad ?

Said by someone who could be with people who care at will. Privileged fuck

He’s been married since 2014 and has 2 kids with his wife.

When did he say this?

Idk who is this guy but, why is wrong? is bad to enjoy living alone?

Bro got rid of venom and now he doesn’t wanna go back

No kidding.

“Divorce is addictive, once you know how peaceful it is, you’ll want a new one if you aren’t in one.” Johnny Carson

He’s not wrong!

I refuse to believe a British person used the word ‘addicting’. It’s a redundant word used almost exclusively by Americans when reviewing videogames.

I say that too, but no one is around to share it

This quote is attributed to Jim Carey and Keanu reeves in other posts. FB bullshit.

I felt during the pandemic

He’s right 👍

Truth! My motto: Everything will work great till you put people in it!

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