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to be fair, thatโ€™s hilarious and I approve of your sisterโ€™s choice of boyfriend ๐Ÿ˜‚

DK Mode at its finest.

This is peak “at a girlfriend’s family function.”

This is so good ๐Ÿ˜‚

Lol reminds me of that Goldeneye cheat code that made the heads huuuuuge.

Well, looks like someone has a crush and doesn’t know how to get their attention.

I feel like your gfs boyfriend might want to tell you something

Reminds me of the old Golden eye days when you could have giant heads.

you sister’s boyfriend thinks thinks you’re cool

He’s making giant contributions

Sounds like heโ€™s trying to tell you about your big ego lmao

Mad hatter vibes

I think he has a crush on you

Iโ€™m pretty sure these are real

He’s asserting dominance, and you’re just letting him win.

Must be a fan of George Lopez

Sounds like he’s socially awkward and you make him feel comfortable. Don’t think he has a crush on you or is trying to tell you something like the other comments are saying. He’s just found a way to occupy himself around a bunch of strangers without having to make small talk or come off as weird. Either way, he’s a keeper in my book!

Would be funnier if his head was only slightly larger. Reminds me of this classic:

It took me a solid 15 seconds to see the whole picture because every time I looked at another I was giggling too hard to see.

bro thinks hes in an airhead commercial ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Goldeneye cheats


“Now you know I can give you a big head” was the message

So heโ€™s going to be a real brother in law

Thatโ€™s funny



Big Head Mode Cheat activated.

lol ๐Ÿ˜‚

They both must think ya got a big head

He better marry your sister!


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