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The whole time the poor dog is just HHRRMMFF HUUURRRMMF HMMMMRFFFFFFF- fighting for it’s life.

That storyline.

LOL. My step mom’s pug just walked into the room, looked at me, farted, snorted, then walked out.

OMG I saw one last night while driving and literally said “poor dog” out loud. I feel so bad for them! STOP GETTING PUGS PEOPLE

“I understand this reference”

Pugs need to go extinct poor things cant even breath

I can’t. Seriously, I just have no desire to raise an animal that has inbred health problems.

Their mere existence seems cruel, to me. Why would you want these or breed them?

Dont do this little creature dirty like that. I would much rather have this thing.

This quest line broke my heart

I can hear this picture.

I just don’t get people who get pugs. Even the Chihuahuas are better then this shit of a dog

that’s our girl Stella!!!!! The future of the Pritchetts

They’re also 20 years old with 4 types of cancer.

[Meanwhile, my Chihuahua]comment image?q=50&fit=crop&w=825&dpr=1.5)


Forts time I saw this scene I was on 200 ug acid

This meme just inspired me to name my next dog Lubberkin! Thanks Reddit!

To real


Why did you have to remind me of that sad story

flat faced dogs, from pugs to pit bulls, are lovable little abominations. i get why people find them so endearing, but it’s just so rough on their respiratory system and eyes and we really need to breed some snoot back into them


ope, me…

What is this? A pig in a Richard Nixon mask?

This hurts my feelings.

For 50 seconds, I thought there was monsters on the world. 

Parents on facebook

Add frenchies to that list. People who keep buying them are 🤮

Cabal lookin ass

Bro: “I actually prefer working nights”

Also bro:

This is how human babies look to me- I have to picture pugs to have a “socially acceptable expression” on my face.

Had a jug many yrs ago, he was pretty awesome. No breathing issues, just googly eyes

It’s hard to imagine people look at pugs and see a monstrosity. I look at a pug and only see pure joy 🥹

Y’all can fuck off. Pugs are awesome companions and adorable.

Can I pet your pug?


As long as there are any bulls around, leave the pugs alone.

That’s why I have a puggle; ugly but cute AND morally righteous

Pugs are abominations and should not exist.

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