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these are posts that transcends time and language lol

And now swing it at high grass

Even the cavemen would’ve liked this up

that’s scythe.

And that’s how he became a dark souls boss

Men’s love for sticks are unmatched😂

holy fuck that’s a legendary artifact, +8 strength and bloodlust perk

That stick belongs to Death. I’d put it down.

Kinda stick that makes me want to crawl out of my cave and beat my chest with my hands and make ape noises

I’ll probably get downvoted for this but that’s clearly too big to be “THE” stick. “THE” stick would be a smooth, sturdy, and straight staff, perhaps with a curve at one end, of a size that would provide real ingredients for stageplay of the mind and body. Could be a fishing pole, a sword, a walking stick, a gun, could have actual real life utility, etc. That thing is definitely cool, but only because it looks like a scythe. Would be wayyy cooler if it was actually scythe sized. Sure as fuck he left it wherever he found it bc it’s too damn big. “THE” stick would have to be one you can’t help but to take home as a treasured possession.


Thats dante’s scythe

It’s like an Eldin Ring weapon.


Kite just rolled

Now find a big black curtain.

One stick to rule them all


Why is his a like 8 feet long?

Dude would be able to scratch his ankle without bending.

Where tf is bro at?

You might be a king, or a little street sweeper.
But sooner or later, you’ll dance with the reaper !

Why is man so small.

My stick is better than bacon mmmmmmmmm

I kinda doubt itd do that well before scythes were invented

Now that’s a DEX and a STR weapon

How do you think our ancestors would reply to this post?

Man found the Quetzalcoatlus reincarnated as a stick.

Top 5 sticks of all time

Motherfucker found death’s scythe.

quetzalcoatlus lookin ass stick

The scythe to end all scythes


Man I miss sticktok

nice stick

Playing Night Cage rn with 2 other dudes and a girl, and we all reacted accordingly, except the girl.

As foretold.

Caveman grunting noises!!!

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