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You’re missing the pair of tongs that opened after you close the drawer

You forgot the slightly bent spatula

I have a drawer I haven’t opened since 2019

We have a cookie sheet in the bottom drawer on the oven that got sideways. Haven’t opened it in years.

Whisk, funnel, pineapple slicer

You guys aren’t dealing with it correctly.

[Anoia’s info](

Rattle them in remembrance! Good luck.

GNU Sir Pterry

Anoia is pleased.

Free Luigi starter pack

We can only pray to Anoia

Don’t forget the part where you spend the next 5 minutes shoving your hand into the 1 inch opening, wiggling your fingers around trying to close the tongs or push the spatula down.

Who the Fuck puts a cheese grater in a Drawer.

Don’t make the same mistake as me and try to open the drawer by brute force…

Potato masher is king

Two of those things don’t belong in a drawer

This is so true. That masher.

i feel personally attacked

Same with the fridge drawers, family would keep jamming stuffs in and there’s always a top lift to act as a lock tab once closed.

tongs that open up. my startrek pizza cutter. curved dildo.  So many tricksters.

Spot on. Made me laugh also.

Wtf in their right mind keeps the fucking cheese grater in the drawer?!

Non wisk

Also known as the “kitchen utilities made in America” when all imported high tech utilities are taxed out of afgordability

You gotta add the tongs


The three things that should never go in the drawer…

Steak knife poking up

Your missing the various spatulas

I don’t have those for that reason

Annoya be praised. Rattle your drawers folks.

Relatable. 🤣

There’s only one piece missing

Why you puttin a ladle in a drawer my friend

Hang those suckers.

If you put any of these items in a drawer then you belong in the hell you’ve made for yourself.

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