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Most of the places I’ve been in the rest of the world, shit starts at 11pm and cocaine is served at the door in fancy little money bags with a nice little bow.

I work an office job, but a lot of my friends are hospo workers, so they go out for drinks at like 11pm, or play games until 6 in the morning after a shift. It sucks I don’t get to hang out with them much

For those on cocaine, hi.

But if you have some, I will see you at 8.

Just crazy. Back in the 90s…the night didn’t start until 10pm.

Now…I want to be home before 8pm.

But if you have friends on Cocaine can you please introduce me!

For too many years my weekend routine was 1. Close down bar 2. Go to after hours club or party 3. Get home just before sunrise. 4. sometimes go to work

Wait don’t some nightclub open at like 11pm and some people go there at like 2-3 am to start partying until like 8-10 am?

My bedtime is when the street lights come on!

Sorry I’m already home, unless you’re sharing that

Maybe all of us should be.

8 sounds so late now

Many night partys in Brazil are latter than 23h. It’s not uncommon for them to start at midnight.

How did we let morning people set the work schedules if they crumble at this?

Eight is the perfect time for an event to start on the weekend! Gives time for dinner before showing up, hang out for a few hours and then get home by midnight.

I’m a night owl. I usually don’t go to sleep till like 3am. I’m 40yo, retired Army. Even while I was in the Army I’d stay up till like 2am. Sleep, wake up around 430am. Then do a full day of military stuff. My body just seems to be built to function on less sleep. Around 4 or 5 hours of sleep and I’m good. It comes in handy some time.

All that said. Yeah don’t invite me to no event starting at 9pm. I’m old. I like being at home comfortably in my zone.

Come on people, one night a week/month and you can’t go out past a certain time?

Have some fun and live a little, dang it.

i dont see the connection with meeting at 8 and cocaine. also i dont know who they are.

i feel like this person is a loser looking for attention.

Why does she type like greg heffley

Clearly unlike Spain

Americans are so lame about this. I loved Europe because more places are open late and people were out doing shit at 11pm.

Why does this happen to all of us though? I used to leave the house at 11 pm 🙁

lol how much trouble we gonna get into until I have to leave at 8:30? Can I get there at 7:45? You need help setting up? Should I bring a cooler? Some food? Some chairs? Some drinks? My wife? Who’s coming? Will I know anyone there? Will I not know anyone there? Ok, I’m on my way. I’m 30 min out. I’m 15 min out. Pulling up. Where do I park? Sorry I’m here early, my brain wouldn’t let me think about anything else once I got the invite, so I just got ready and left in case traffic was really bad. House looks good bro.



I’m dying

Film makers lol 😆

Went to a still woozy concert that started at 8, had two openers, and the headliner didn’t go on until 10:25. Standing room only. It was awful

Have you ever stressed out all day for an event or hang out late in the evening like at 6 or 7pm, but you don’t have anything to do all day so you are stressing out like REALLY stressing out pacing back and forth I’m your room with nothing being able to calm you down cause you’re really anxious, also you are meeting your friend’s friends so you are stressing out and trying to imagine the perfect first impression encounter and how it will play out, additionally while stressing out you get the shots and get all sweaty, additionally you convince yourself of not doing a particular task cause it takes to long and you have to prepare for your hang out at 6pm but the task takes 3 hours to do which only means you have 3 hours (it’s 12pm) so you abandon that’s task.

That’s kinda me irl

Yeah we are. Fuck the sunlight.

I don’t get off work until 5:30. I’m ready for bed by 8 tf

This seems like a situation with a very straight forward solution

I live in the Pacific Northwest.
8 pm in the summer? Early enough. 8 pm in the winter? That’s basically midnight.

Can I attend at 8 in my sweatpants? Cause I’ll probably still be in but if you want me in actual pants… absolutely not.

It’s fine I can share mine with you, I have plenty

My friends invite me over to hangout and they always say 7pm. I always tell them that’s two hours before my bedtime lol

1 AM aahh good morning world, time to go to the party the other were talking about

8pm is a perfectly normal start time for people who are busy the rest of the day

And not all of us want to be up at 5 in the morning to get ready for an 8 am job but here we are.

At least I’m awake at 8 pm…

Not all, but most

Either 8’s are a no go for me. Sorry I got sleep and shit to do.

Starting at 8PM is pretty tame tbh

I can only assume this is so I have time to go home, take a nap and shower before going out.

I’d sleep before I even start getting ready

Not doing enough cocaine can easily be fixed with a little bit of cocaine.

would rather chill in bed and sleep. hehe

Cocaine helluva drug though.

I’m sorry but not all of us are on old people schedules neither

Who needs coke when there’s meth? 🤔

Huh? If you have no energy at 8 either you’re old asf or you have a health problem.

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