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Yeah, nothing screams CIA like HTML.

Ahh yes, the HTML guys at the CIA will love this

I copy and pasted from a website

I loved going to my friends pages and hearing their embedded song along with seeing their absolutely hideous design that they copied from a random site.ย 

And obviously I’d be annoyed if I wasn’t in their top 8.

I thought I was aย geniusย because I learned to change the hex colour in the code.

I learned it from Geocities, but yeah

I learned to copy and paste codes for my Neopets profile.

I’ve forgotten every bit of it.

Really long for the simple days of MySpace

I had a kinda funny thing happen with HTML

I took this intro to computing or whatever class in college just to fill a credit. We had to learn how to like, build a website using HTML for the final.

I never went to class and stayed up all night the night before the final trying to learn how to create this stupid fuckin webpage. It took me forever. A genuine pain in the ass.

The final comes and as Iโ€™m finishing, I ask the professor a quick question for clarification. So he comes over to my computer and asks me where the cheat sheet isโ€” referring to a template that everyone had received with specific instructions as to how to build this site. So the final was easy as fuckโ€ฆyou just had to follow an instructional of which I was unaware.

Dude accused me of cheating because I built the thing without the cheat sheet. I had to convince him that I legit stayed up all night and learned how to do it. He made me demonstrate for him before he would accept my truth.

Moral of the storyโ€” Go to class. And fuck HTML.

We copied and pasted it, that was itโ€ฆJesus Christโ€ฆ

Neopets HTML guide was *chefs kiss*

“Html codes” “CIA” lmao

Lol the NSA hiring top HTMLers!!!!

Poor MySpace. The abandoned theme park of the internet.

Coding before I even knew the term for it but I started on BP.

I made a forum through and learned that way.

HTML was fun precisely because it felt a lot more complicated than it was.

It was _Lissa Explains It All_ for most of the people I knew who got into it, myself includedย 


I think about this a lot. I don’t remember how to do any of it.ย 

<b> All I remember is this makes bold text </b>

You mean like how we used to also be able to put random IP addresses in Google and hack people’s camera’s at their house? Or was that just me?


<b> this post makes me feel old </b>

First copy pasta if I remember lol

I actually learned it from the html learned in a web design elective class I took in high school right as MySpace took off in my school, and all of us in that class spread the word to everyone. That’s how it happened. No, not us specifically. I mean one person or a group of people like us would tell our schools how to do it. Eventually you could just copy paste from websites, but in the early days it was a bunch of teenagers learning basic html via word of mouth.

….it is probably the only time a coding language has gone viral.

HTML is remarkably simple and intuitive to the point it’s not even considered a programming language

One of the things i remember was #32CD32 (lime green) and #000000 (hex for black)
invader zim theme lol

the secret is that html is trivially simple, because it was designed by people with doctorates in computer science

Copy and pasting glitter cursors and backgrounds from random forums like we were master hackers ๐Ÿ’€ Those were simpler times fr

I miss the top 10 Friends and how ppl got butt hurt if they werenโ€™t in yours. And the profile lay outs and songs were so fun. Good times

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