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Many of them are busy and depressed as well. Surprised you didn’t notice

To be honest, some can. Like how mom brings you your favorite food or snack when you’re down, or dad says let’s go out and eat or orders food, and friends talk about funny shit. I dunno, I think we also need to try and not get sucked too deep into the pit of despair, and see that they are trying. Like, I know in the pit of despair, it’s hard to do anything else, but they’re there. We need to try and pay attention too.

But some don’t know how to handle it, some try to hang out with you to distract you. But I think, some can kinda see. I dunno.

oh it gets worse – imagine telling your friends and they imply you’re faking it

We wear masks so others cant see our true selves. And then we feel sad that others cant see our true selves.

What’s funny is this isn’t about you. It’s about that person in your life that YOU think is happy.
Your dad, your mom, siblings… You may be the one who is completely oblivious

Of course they notice, they will avoid you more. No one likes negative vibes

Welcome to Adulthood

I found that while depressed, whenever anyone asked me if I was okay, I would automatically reply that I was tired. I did this for years without realising.

The only reason I discovered that I do this is because my partner told me that I always say I’m tired when I’m depressed. Took 15 years for someone to notice that.

I can’t read people’s minds, so no I don’t find it crazy

They’ve trained you well. Trained to put on a show.

That’s why you have to get butt naked and throw a temper tantrum. Works everytime

Its because you’re not supposed to wait for someone to notice you aren’t feeling well, that’s a behavior typically built in childhood by feeling like a burden asking for things yourself.

Stop waiting for people who care about you to ask if you’re doing ok, *tell them* you’re not doing ok

As long as these people you listed aren’t toxic, they should understand and not make you feel bad or like a burden for asking 💙

how should they tell… depression is kinda a part of your personality! just running on default here…

They notice. They just call it “lazy”, “tardy”, “messy” “unreliable” and all the other things.

Someone finally notices so you’re try talking to them about it but they just tell you to smile more and not to act sad because that’s what they do 🙃

Sometimes, and I don’t mean this is always, this is only sometimes, you don’t really show much change in your interactions. If you bottle that shit in hard, people can’t know what they can’t see or aren’t told. It’s best that if you’re feeling depressed to just address it with people, maybe they don’t notice because you’re so good at bottling it up but also maybe they’re simultaneously going through something that has both of you incapable of taking things in the regular way. If you tell them and they ignore it, then that’s just really sad. I think giving the people you care about who you believe care about you the benefit of the doubt would be the best way, and then see from there.

Also, I’m depressed af, but it’s so persistent that anyone I’ve met in the last four or five years has only ever know my depressed self. When I say I’m depressed it doesn’t even faze a lot of them and it’s pretty shit, but also I can’t say they’ve known me any other way and nothing they do can really help.

It’s because the truth is no one cares about anyone but themselves.

Everybody has their own problems. Try noticing that rather than focusing on your own shit.

Nobody gives a fuck. We’re on our own.

If you feel that way say something, don’t count on telepathy skills of everyone around you.

Not even you… you’ll just end up realize, oh shit I’m depressed

Sure this may be true but have you considered not noticing people around you can also be depressed and you just never realized? I have a friend I’ve always considered happy and well adjusted with everything going right for her and she knew I was depressed since I shared my diagnosis with her when I got it and a year later during the middle of exams I actually looked at her and realized she looked as though she hadn’t been taking care of herself. I considered turning a blind eye because I was too scared to acknowledge it but decided to bring it up anyways after a few minutes of mentally trying to figure out how to bring it up in a causal or funny way and we spoke about it until her mom came to pick her up. It was a small decision but I’m sure it helped take off just that small amount of burden she was keeping inside.

You’re just as blind as the people around you.

there are also people around you in the same situation and you arent noticing either. maybe your parents even.

Bc most of the people around you are busy thinking about how nobody is noticing them

That why you should find someone to talk to, so you don’t keep all that shit bottled up. Release is necessary for your wellbeing. Please talk to someone. ❤️

We all have our own struggles. Do you know everyone who’s depressed around you?

That’s because we all are

Here’s a mind blowing fact… You have to tell other people about your feelings. Always and forever. No one will ever read you. It’s not a guessing game.

Carry your cross and I carry mine. Ain’t nobody got energy left to be a drama dumpster

How can they know? It is all inside, invisible stuff.

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