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I still remember the TV ads; โ€œReconnect with your old school-mates!โ€ No thanks, I didnโ€™t stay in contact with them for a reason.

The first year of Facebook was actually quite fun. What a dumpster fire it has all become.

I was on Facebook when you needed a college .edu email address to sign up. It was great.

When our parents joined in, they killed it.

The convenience you demanded is now mandatory

Amen !

Spot on assessment

I was actually on the internet before aol and prodigy – there were no social networks, it was libraries and govt buildings connect with databases to peruse. One by one youโ€™d see protocols being invented and bbs technology (bulletin board systems, the precursor to places like Reddit, fark, digg, slashdot) being brought online to make it more social. AOL and prodigy and yahoo suddenly made it more attractive for regular people, chat rooms were booming, and then MySpace happened. That was the beginning of the end. Some of us knew how to code to change our pages on MySpace, some people just copied code and didnโ€™t know really what it did. Then Facebook transitioned from a hot girls in ivy league rating page to a social network letting people other than frat boys in, and thatโ€™s when the foundations of civilization truly started to give way.

Beware baffled humans, beware false prophets who will sell you a fake future of bad teachers, corrupt leaders and dirty corporations. Beware of cops and robbers, the kinds that rob your dreams. But most of all, beware of each other. The world is going to crack wide open.

There is something on the horizon. A massive connectivity. The barriers between us will disappear, and we’re not ready. We’ll hurt each other in new ways, we’ll sell and be sold, we’ll share our most tender selves only to be mocked and destroyed. We’ll be so vulnerable, and we’ll pay the price. We won’t be able to pretend that we can protect ourselves anymore.

Newspapers controlled the narrative for hundreds of years. Then, the internet and social media came along and enabled the 99% to talk directly with each other and share their stories. For a brief decade or so, it was brilliant, and it looked like the world would change for the better. Now, the media demonises social media. It’s almost as if some group of people want it to fail.

The problem is people have no self control on a self curated website. It will show you what you feed it. My Twitter feed is all sports and funny people I like. Iโ€™ll block anyone that even mentions politics or Elon even if I agree with them.

I’m forced to share the same space as the slop at the bottom of the barrel and I’m supposed to be okay that their opinion has the same weight as mine?

Wait until she learns about AIโ€ฆ

Kinda bloated too

Yes, this is the most accurate assessment Iโ€™ve read.

I prefer when social media was there to bang chicks.

โ€œPeople were addicted to facebookโ€

I quit that shit right as it became that

That first year was so nice

I got rid of all my social media outside of Reddit (if you even consider it social media. I’m not starting that convo) when I started having to deal with Facebook drama that would leak out into real life. If this is your whole personality, please go get off the internet and find a hobby.

If we were not so cheap and paid for it, advertising wouldnt have moved in. We really need to have a pay bar to post anything online, get rid of the digital litter

im 39, ive always thought our information was valuable so any products that are free (aka social media) are not free, you pay with something else than money, time, attention, emotion. I only have an anonymous reddit account. People important to me know where to find me/or my number.

Its because people let it happen. By participating. By being okay with their data being (mis)used and staying uninformed. This dystopian nightmare is what we all created by “wanting to be part of it” and trusting liars like Musk, Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs.

I was so full of hope about what it was going to mean for our future back then.

Always felt like the stupids were the minority in the world before then & would never bother with using social media anyway.

Imagine my disappointment.

Hey man, when no one knew cigarettes were addictive but the companies that sold them, lots of people smoked to relax. They were prescribed to pregnant women.. when the understood the damage, they regulated the product. The same thing will happen with social media. In other countries they already do. We’re just slow.

Is it really dystopia if everyone claims to be enjoying it. I wish drugs were as addictive.


Wonder if this is how people felt about Johannes Gutenberg.

โ€œWell this is fun!โ€

โ€œWe now know too much, the world is awful.โ€

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