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If this is a boomer complaint, it’s the most legit one they have.

I hate that everything has its own app.

Dude, HP printers are pissing on all their customers with their subscription to print. If I buy a printer and I buy ink, I should be able to print when and what I want. What do mean I have to pay a subscription fee to print with a printer full of ink IN MY OWN HOUSE?!

They took it too far with subscription service on hardware (e.g. heated seats, additional performance etc. in car).

Oh this ain’t just a boomer complaint, believe me

This is a boomer complaint? Seems legit to me

That ai’nt a “Boomer” complaint.

That’s a “EVERYONE” complaint.

I cannot echo this complaint enough.

Minecraft updates from time to time, but all I have to pay is the base game

Own nothing, be habby!

This isn’t a boomer complaint though, pretty sure all age groups agree with this. It’s just a shitty economic practice (in most instances).

Y’all gotta start using virtual credit cards. They’re the reverse card on this bullshit.

Very boomer, but right. We spend much more on subsribtiond than paying once for life.

To be more specific: If it doesn’t have desired online functionality (read: I desire ZERO online functionality), it shouldn’t be a subscription service. I already own Word, it’s like 2016 or something. It’s great. It works. It doesn’t need any updates beyond what keeps it functioning, and I accept that any software will have a planned end-of-life date when it will not be updated anymore. It might keep working thereafter, but it will eventually be too old to function without some open-source developer coming in and keeping it running. I don’t need new features, I don’t need ANY online services whatsoever, old versions of word had robust spell checking, I don’t need a significantly less function internet-connected AI (vomit) driven version of the same. I just want Word. Live service software that gives me an online version of software that functions best offline is just insanity.

Least the boomers own things

You will never own anything and still feel proud of spending money

For real. I bought my mom’s car this year. Her car has an automatic starter that they installed several years ago. It cost a fortune. The starter is activated through an app. I asked my mom what app it is, because we’re in the Midwest during winter, it gets really cold during the night. She proceeds to tell me, that the app that runs the automatic starter that they installed, COSTS 100 DOLLARS A MONTH. I complained that it’s completely unreasonable to essentially pay for something that was paid off years ago. And it’s not like the actual car, where insurance premiums fluctuate over time. No. This is 100 fucking dollars a month for an APP, that runs a starter which was already bought and paid for. Her response was that it just is what it is. Jesus tap dancing Christ.

Pepperidge Farms remembers……


Seriously, I was surprised to find that a Davinci Resolve Studio license was a one-time payment and the updates were free.

Microsoft wants $19.99 a month for their Windows Movie Maker.

They did some updates and i would buy it, but f the subscription.

I’ll go download the old ass free version.

Open source?

This isn’t a boomer complaint, This is the boomer business model.

Lol zoomers are ok with not owning stuff because they can’t and now they think it’s what normal is

This is a complaint I have, I’m definitely not a boomer.

“You own nothing and be happy” is now a reality and not just a criticism on software purchasing practices.

This is why you have to sail the high seas.

This isn’t a boomer complaint really, plenty of people younger than them have that opinion.

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