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I love philomena cunk, all the professionals being on the edge of breakdowns while not being able to laugh is hilarious

Trying to explain to my 5yr old why we buy Christmas presents for a family threw the Bethany house because not everyone is fortunate as we are. Then she says well at least Santa will bring them some gifts. 😕 so I pivoted and said sometimes he has trouble finding everyone.

Did anyone else read this in her voice?

The secular prosperity gospel

hate to admit it but she’s right . also I can hear her voice :))

I feel like this is the same with Jesus.

Philomena speaking facts

It’s truly sad when children see gifts that they think were given to other children by Santa for being good and they get nothing for being good because the parents won’t or can’t afford it. But Jesus love all of us , just some more than others! Merry Christmas!😢

More like because Saint (and that word in itself already implies that someone is dead) Nicholas died in the 4th Century (343/december/6th, to be more precise) and, though people have kept his legacy alive, parents are often blind to the bad behavior of their own children

I forgive her for being British because she’s funny

I never heard of this before a few Christmas back but apparently a lot of people won’t make the biggest present of the season from Santa and will instead make some little present from Santa and the rest from the parents so that kids at school don’t have to wonder what Santa brought kid A a $200 bike but only got kid B a shirt

This statement highlights the unfairness in how rewards are distributed pointing out the influence of wealth on perceived worthiness


Santa says, “Fuck you, pay me.”

Cunk on life comes out jan 2

Yup, my first Christmas gift? Bought myself.


I grew up poor as hell- my parents explanation for smaller/less gifts (especially we were doing worst than usual) was that parents had to send money to Santa for the gifts. “How else do you think *Santa* can get or make all these toys?”

My kids are Jewish but when they were still under like 6 years old they believed in Santa anyways, despite me flat out telling them he wasn’t real.

I even pointed out how sus it is that he delivers presents to Christian children all over the world but not Jewish kids and they were just like “Yeah makes sense. He’s real tho. Nnnnope. Real.”

Now that they don’t believe in any magical beings I still stubbornly insist that the tooth fairy is the only one that ever did.

Reddit as a woman. Is this supposed to be funny? This is /im14andthisisdeep

Papai noel, filho da puta, rejeita os miseráveis

Am I some kinda weirdo cause I find her irresisitible? It is a fantasy of mine for her to be slightly condescending to me, then we make out. and she’s slightly impressed. but not too impressed. Just enough that she might make out with me again at a later time.

if turkey was that good, we’d have it all year round!

So do Republicans.

Fuck Santa! He is an elitist CEO

Sorry to say but I’ve never found her the least bit funny…

I never understood the Santa lie…

Just let the kids enjoy Christmas man, not everything has to be a class war cause

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