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So accurate it hurts

Damn it i have this person i work with. Its happened so many times ive even hit him with the “damn im not usually this much of a mess hah” im pathetic

Even better when he’s your crush. 🥲

Me, every time my parents visit me at work.

Anytime someone even remotely good looking enters a room even just in passing. My mind goes blank and everything I was about to say is gone like smoke in the wind. Takes another 5 seconds for my brain to reboot and start working again

The assistant manager checks all of our work for errors and loves to gossip so I can only imagine what she says behind my back when half my work gets returned for the same stupid mistakes.

That feeling when you train a new employee on something you are an expert in but somehow make a bunch of mistakes that one time.

I had a history class in high school and I sat next to my best friend. I generally paid attention and took notes, but without fail, any time my friend made me laugh, the teacher would look over at me. He must have thought I was the biggest goon.

I can type really well except when someone watches me. If someone comes to my desk and I need to type in front of them I look like an idiot. I’ll say, “I swear I know how to type.”

Do you work for me? I think I may know you. 😀

I call them the Cursed One. 

It sucks knowing you’re competent at something but not being able to demonstrate it, so people think you suck

I have one coworker out in the field with me, it’s always the same people who see our mistakes, us.

Then they complain to your superiors but everyone else is like, “nah man he’s great wtf are you on about?”

It’s like the one person that doesn’t get your jokes. Takes them seriously, always corrects you or shakes their head.

I work in reception and made a mistake for a client who comes in often. Every time they come in now, I get so uncomfy and double check for mistakes. They handled it rlly well and didn’t blow up at me at all but I still feel flustered when I see them

Is that person Councilman Howser?

My liturgical minister who is also an engineer. Creative or practical, I seem to screw something up within her eyeline. She’s not the kind to be gleeful to point out flaws at all! But I respect her very much, and I always seem to screw up around her. I think it’s because I’m intimidated by her accomplishments and leadership and authority. She probably has zero opinion on what I would consider my weaknesses.

Facts. For me it’s usually in front of my manager or the owner or some Csuite dude. Not fun. I swear I’m intelligent.

I fucked up while talking to the company CEO as the Store Manager watched twice this December. The fact that I didn’t get fired makes me question if there is a higher power.

Sounds like a RomCom

Me:  This isn’t working on my computer.  Here, come take a look.

<everything works perfectly>

Them: …

Me: …

The only “180°” that counts is on election day.

Sheit, i always perform infront my boss, and colleague, but infront of the CEO I fumbled, hard, one time i tried to test for electrical contact from the same end of the source (hearing element), the impression i left is so bad that even his face is dumbfounded by my sheer stupidity, this is just one instances, there are more in which i try not to discuss, this is bad if it got into my linkedin profile

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