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Never let them see you clench

lmao, literally me every time. Like, I’m out here holding my balance like a pro, but really just praying I don’t fall.

literally a full-body workout just to not look weak in front of strangers. the silent struggle is real.

the ultimate test of core strength and pride. no one can know you almost fell, it’s the law.

A good lesson in life is no one cares about you. Or how you look, or what you do in life. No one is looking. They’re minding their own business.

*Me being a very tall and buff guy falling on my face the first time I was in a bus, because I didn’t know how to stand*

The 80 year old lady next to me who just rawdogged a brake-block helped me up. I felt like that Pepe meme with the dropped lunch.

that’s literally me! Like, I’m out here trying not to budge, but in reality, I’m just barely holding on for dear life, lmao.

Me, but to prove I’m not a tourist and public transit pro to people to strangers who don’t care.

Ah yes, the classic look how strong I am pose during a bus’s sudden stop, trying to keep your balance like it’s no big deal but secretly praying you don’t faceplant.

One time i slid over two seats 😭

me when doing random front levers and
pull ups in the bus

Did this once cuz I wanted to impress the hot girl in the next seat. It worked and I felt hella good about myself until I tripped over my shoelace stepping off and fell into a big ass mud puddle. The sound of her laughs still haunt me to this day.

Haha 100% me!

Look ma no hands!

Same in Metro

I thought my life was special 😭

Lol. I’m guilty of this very thing.

Guy has got skills.

I feel called out

What’s up with the memes using poor grammar lately?

So true.

Don’t mind me, just trying something

I saw one guy fall and get up and laugh saying they need to be more careful , there are children standing on this bus.

None of the children fell.

too fucking real

That’s super fucking relatable lmao

Alternatively. Me leaning into the bus breaks so I can spin around the pole all cool-like.

Bus surfing is a great core workout

I feel exposed

I can relate to this

And some people still swear that public transport is better than driving

Inertia who?

We live the same fucking lives damn

I’m guilty of this

Ok now I know we are all the same. More or less.

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