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โ€œThe other dayโ€ can mean 5 years ago

Me: “Why don’t they care about spelling correctly anymore?”

That “old motherfucker” I’m ranting about is 15 years younger than me.

My husband doesnโ€™t understand the younger generations and think theyโ€™re wasting their youth. Makes me feel so old whenever he talks like that haha

When adulting hits you with unexpected nutrition concerns.

Why is everyone so messy??

Started to count in decades!

“Christmas” is just a day. So are “Birthdays”.

Tbf I was like that when I was 13

When adulting means reading nutrition labels like a detective.

Damn it, was I sitting still for too long, or was I moving in the same way too much, or is this just how my body feels now?

The pharmacist doesn’t need to ask my name anymore.

This is a nice basket.

Because sugar is hella addictive. Addiction = more consumerism = more profit. Welcome to our world! P.s. the diabetes and obesity are guaranteed side effects, sorry!

โ€œOoo I get to do a white wash today.โ€

Why are things so expensive

It’s the god damned truth though. Nine bajillion grams of sugar in everything in the US

I actually want underwear, socks and plain white t shirt for a gift.

Fr. Why*is* there sugar in everything!

I think I once heard someone say “a person becomes an adult the day they first start planning for the future rather than planning for just today” and that has always rung so true to me.

A child is someone who only plans for this minute.

A teenager is someone who only plans for today.

A young adult is someone who only plans for this month of their own life.

A parent is someone who plans around someone else’s life.

A grandparent is someone who plans around their entire extended family’s lives.

I fell down the stairs today, i had to stay down for about 10 mins just to see if I hadn’t broken anything. It’s hard to tell cause i hurt my knee falling down, but then again, knees are always hurting, so???

‘My Birthday is coming up, I better make an appointment with the doctor…’

I donโ€™t say โ€œadultingโ€

Watering down every juice/drink because they’re always too sugary.

That 2L of iced tea? Will equal out to 3L because I add 50% water to ever glass

Those damn kids should stop skateboarding on the sidewalk

Sleep is everything

This, but with salt.

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