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Half the time that’s all I did. I woke up I went to work I sat there I came back and now we’re here.

There’s a lot of excuses here but all I can say is for me, I just forget everything I want to talk about lol. Like I HAVE a lot of movies I love talking about, but if you asked me about it, I’ll forget all of it until you mention one of them. I wouls completely forget what happened the whole day but I would go on and on about it in the rare occasions where i remember

That is literally what a lot of men (including me) have been conditioned over time to say when someone generally asks how they are doing in a casual conversation. Response: “I’m alive.”

I had a shitty day and I want to move on. There’s no sense in reliving it by telling you all about it.

I don’t like to hear someone talking for 10 minutes about every tiny detail of their day so I won’t do this to others. most days, for most people, can be summarized in under 10 seconds unless there was something out of the ordinary.

Some of us aren’t bottling up our emotions, either. We’re just tired as hell or aren’t really thinking about anything at all.

I think the solution is right there in front of you!

Chillin like a villain.

Dunno man.. usually it’s the day to day struggle or complicated situations I have to deal with and I don’t want to bring that negativity into our relationship. If something nice happens I’ll share it of course.

Because people don’t listen. Just just hear words and then get on to telling me about their day. So I just save them the trip and let them go instead lol.

My problem honestly, and it’s not because I’m a guy and think women don’t understand  (i apply this to both men and women equally) is that if I start talking about my day to anybody, I can’t just say 4 or 5 things. Every sentence I say about my day has to be accompanied by a whole explanation of any industry terms and how they are applied to make anything make sense.

I try to avoid it, but when any of my days drama involves the function of my job or culture of my job, I either go into a long winded explanation of things that I honestly just don’t have the energy for, or I just avoid it alltogether.

It’s also worth noting that a lot of people who say “I wish you would talk to me about your day” immediately get “oh wait not that much” vibes

There was a recent video about a guy telling his wife about being melancholic over a spool of wire he’d been using for 40 years and saying how it told the story of his life, and she just disregards all of it and makes a dumb joke about his hat. Then he just says “I’m done” and leaves.

[Here it is.](
You can see how he just closes off again after her flippant response.
To answer your question, it’s because when we do, we get responses like that.

Edit- yes, staged, rage bait blah blippity blah it’s still a good example.

That’s not true. I usually share what I had for lunch, which is the highlight of the day anyway.

When i tried to express stuff in detail people looked absurdly bored. 

Because when we do:

1. It’s used against us in each and every argument – which may or may not be related to topic.
2. It’s shared with the whole world – mostly on the lines of making fun of it. People we don’t like are always top of this list.
3. We are hit with responses like ‘Oh, so are you saying <whatever irrational/illogical argument>’.

There are other reasons, but these came up on top of my mind.

Why elaborate on my suffering?


Men are trained over their lifetime to never bother people and women specifically with their feelings or wisdom. We’re too used of being accused of being weak or “mansplaining.” So we keep to ourselves.

Women talk about men being bad at communicating when the truth is, they will obfuscate messages as much as possible and then get surprised that the man answers the actual question. When women fancy a guy they will do everything in their power to tell him other than actually say it, and then get upset and say men can’t communicate.

Same with questions like this. If you want an exciting story about what they did at work, just say that. Don’t just ask what they did during the day and then get upset that you get a list of things that happened. That’s what you asked for and what you got. Communication is two way, and if you ask a question, ask what you mean. Most of the time the answer will be “nothing exciting happened because I do the same boring thing every day”. But at least if you make it clear you’re bored and want to chat for a bit and you’re using work as a starting point, the guy knows what you want and can try to satisfy that need.

I’m currently dating this girl who will make everything about herself to the degree where I can’t even tell an anecdote without her overtaking the story and make it about her, so I’ve just stopped trying to share anything about myself. The sex is great though 🤷

Just the other day I saw a dudes hat being ridiculed after him saying that a spool of wire slowly ran out during his life.

We are showing you an example of the correct amount to share about business the other person can’t help with.

Tbh with you on my side it’s just that I don’t pay attention to much happening throughout my day, I’m often wandering about in my own head so I would have more to say when the topic of what I was thinking about today comes up rather than what I was up to today.

“You never share your thoughts and feelings with me!”

Why, so I can have them argued away as short-sighted or dismissed entirely?

I am divorced and live alone, but I no longer hurt from being taught not to speak up.

I just feel like I have so few good days and I don’t really want to talk about the bad days.

Many men don’t want to hear every boring little detail of your day.

Maybe you dominate conversations and make them mostly about you.

Maybe he doesn’t say much because every minute he speaks is interpreted by you as an entitlement to talk about your boring life for ten minutes.

Every time I don’t say anything I’m accused of being too quiet. When I try to talk I’m told I need to shut the fuck up.

I miss my dog. She loved me no matter how many words came out of my mouth.

That’s because if we vent and are honest, it will be noted and used against us 5 months later in an argument. Fuck that.

My secrets keep my alive, that’s all.

I’m a woman, but I read “every little detail” and my eyes glazed over, so I guess I’m a man now?

Or, with the case of people like me, when I used to talk to my wife about the details of my day, she would complain it ‘stresses her out’ to hear about my challenges. So, now I don’t talk about it and she complains that she feels I am ‘closed off’.

You don’t like it when I talk about the details of my day and you don’t like it when I don’t talk about the details. Lose/lose for me, but one is a lot less effort. So you get closed off me.

Edited: Grammar is hard, okay?

After 30 minutes of you telling me about your office drama I feel demotivated to talk about the funny thing John said.

Keep up the good work men, never tell!

They have absolutely no interest in what happened during your day. They are either being faux polite after burning the ears off you for 20 minutes or they have just decided now its time to give you all the advise in the world that you never asked for 🙃

I just got put through hearing every single detail of your day. I did not want that, and now that it is finally done you want me to do the same?

Nah, I’m trying to enjoy the things I like, not relieve the things that I wouldn’t do if not for money. I’ll tell you about my project I’m working on now, but there is nothing worth hearing about work.

Jobs are not interesting. Office politics and drama are especially not interesting. Normalize not giving a shit about your job once you leave the building.

And when we do, it’s like this ><


My coworker yesterday: “My fiance cried and I felt so grossed out.”

We are expressive, we just don’t show it to those who weaponise it.

I would tell my wife about my problems at work

She would proceed on telling me what I can’t and can do as the manager, telling me on how to do my job.

I don’t talk about work anymore.

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