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I annoy my wife by pretending I’m in line behind her at checkouts and saying “can you hurry up lady? We haven’t got all day!”

Once, back when my wife was just my girlfriend, she shouted, “Stop following me!” at me in the middle of Victoria’s Secret. The glares I got were so intense, I nearly bolted out of pure embarrassment.

Did Ricky cry afterwards?

It is great that someone did that, but it is also sad that ladies are constantly in such danger that they have to save each other.

Did Ricky take both of you home?

In germany we say: Geschichten aus dem Paulanergarten.

Wait. I feel like this has been taken from another lady years ago. And I think it was her husband and I think she was black? Or am I remembering the whole thing wrong, but yes this is old?

Older guy weighing in with some sage advice here (in my opinion anyway). If you’re interested in a girl, don’t just walk up and say something you think is smart or funny. Try to make eye contact and I don’t mean staring. If you find that when you glance over they are looking back at you, try a smile. If the smile is returned, THAT is the confirmation that it’s ok to strike up a conversation. Say hello and keep it real. Be yourself!…

So… Asking a girl out makes her feel threatened, or is there something else I’m missing here? Genuinely asking, I have no idea why a girl would feel threatened in this situation

Oh my god this is like a xerox of a xerox in terms of content. Why is this getting 3.5 THOUSAND upvotes?

If I were in her shoes (or any one elses) I’d just tell a dude to stop, no need to flee, most of them are just bad at picking up non verbal clues

Meanwhile, bro to bro:
Bro 1: Your bulk is so fierce.
Bro 2: Almost as swole as mine.
Bro 3: Damn, it’s too bad
nobody else is here
to see this sweet rip.
Bro 1: Dude, I’m right here,
and I think you’re lookin’ yolked.
Bro 3: I know, but I’m talking
about small people.

Society is fucked lmao

One time I saw a dude taking pictures of a woman doing squats (basically pics of her butt). I did go up to him asking if they were together since I didn’t want to outright accuse him of anything.

I think he realized what he was doing looked super shady and got super embarrassed – but confirmed that he was taking pictures of his girlfriend.

The girlfriend came by in that moment and confirmed they were together, but she said she appreciated me looking out for her!

My wife likes to shop in Victoria secret… I hate shopping… I’ll pick up a piece of lingerie hold it up to myself and ask her if it would look good on me while someone is walking by, or tell her to quit following me and I can shop there if I wanna

You bitches getting annoying fr

She was really cool!

Ricky was a young boy, he had a heart of stone.

So let me get this straight.. a couples chemistry is so bad they can’t even joke around and it not look like a serious issue to a bystander? This feels either fake af or just sad all around lol

Maybe don’t do weird role play stuff at the gym and then this wouldn’t have happened. I’m talking to you Ricky

Ricky was a young boy, he had a heart of stone.

This happened

It’s all fun and games until some white knight punches poor Ricky in the nose.

No, don’t come to my rescue. If I need help, I’ll ask for it. I’m not a helpless nitwit unwilling to protect herself. The audacity of that girl to inject herself where she wasn’t welcome is staggering

Loooooove this.

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