
By Reyshin
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Nothing usually happens with colors and blacks anymore but if you have a pure white shirt, towels or like tank tops, they definitely will turn greyish/pinkish the more you wash it.

Temperature also plays a factor. If you’re always cold washing, nothing will happen. Hotter it is, cleaner it is but it will leak colors more.

So using a hot temperature on delicates, whites, towels etc is a good practice. Seperate them from colors and blacks.

Not with modern dyes and modern detergents, no.

But nothing will ever feel as clean as it did in 1995 with an old machine and half a cap of Tide.

The colour pigment used now is different than the 90s bro. It doesn’t leak as much or at all

This depends entirely upon the quality of the materials, what dyes were used, where the clothes were made, and what settings you use on the washing machine.

MFW that red sweatshop shirt I bought from Temu ruins my 170€ Hillfiger shirt

Tell that to my gf pink (but formerly white) underwear.

Plot twist: The whites are now pastel pink. 💀

All they do is eat hot chip and lie- except in this case cause jeans and red do bleed, whites will absorb, and you’re gunna have a bad time.

I keep hearing people say that this doesn’t happen with modern materials, when it absolutely does. I hand wash everything the first time I get it now because of colours leaking over. Sure it’s fine after that, but it’s still an issue.

If you don’t mind all your whites being dingy and grey, sure!

I do this once a week because I never have a fuck anyway

That has a lot more to do with changes and what dyrs we use in our clothes and the way our laundry detergents have changed.

The only separating is some of my daughters delicates and sheets/towels

Its always whites vs the others. It do be kinda racist like that but still good advice.

Been doing this for years and the biggest thing that ever happened were my white socks going slightly off color

I do the same thing all the time! I am old, and thru the years I have not had any problems, except the few times, when I put reds in that bled everything to Pink, or a new item that has not had the dye washed out. I think separating the laundry is a total waste of time!

It’s astonishingly obvious that no one who thinks this has bought and washed their own clothes. Just buy a pair of dark washed jeans and stick em in with with something light in color, preferably white. Stick a brand new red anything, but especially a t shirt, in with something white. Do it, I dare you…

Look, the reality is some colors bleed, and you’ll likely be fine after the first wash or two, so you don’t always or even usually need to separate. But your whites in particular will thank you for it. And your cheap, fast fashion clothes will appreciate you not washing abrasive things with them.

This becomes readily apparent when you are both the person purchasing your own clothes and washing them.

Unless you get a vintage dyed red shirt and accidentally wash it with white towels, ask me how I know…..

you think they lied?

His face says all

this guy

I just don’t segregate. They all wash together.


Everyone mentioning different dyes & detergents but we also don’t boil our clothes anymore cold wash helps prevent those dyes from leaking and with more powerful washers we don’t need to use a lot of heat anymore

Yeah Fr lmao

Sometimes it does. I always did this, until the work shirt of my brother made everything blue. They probably used a cheap dye or something.

Washing whites with anything with red dye will do the trick.

The only time my clothes got ruined after years of doing laundry was when I had a hot pink shirt in the washer

I separate more as a matter of organization. Blacks/colors, whites/greys, and then red gets its own wash because I have a lot of red and I still don’t trust it with other colors

I washed my new blue towel and every other thing, I’ve put in, is blue as well.

If you put your black T-shirts with the whites you’ll see exactly why this is not good

I’ll separate when I have new stuff. As it runs 50/50 of the time. After the colors have settled in, it’s fine

Sorting laundry is for suckers.

It all goes in the wash, it all goes in the dryer. Jeans, delicates, towels, all of it. If it doesn’t survive, its not meant to be.

Source on the muscular black guy? I have a school project.

This is so untrue, but the difference is negligible if you don’t care so whatevs.

Just dont mix clothes that haven’t been washed before, especially white

Dyes aren’t as shoddy as they used to be which is good

Never being responsible for more than 2 people’s worth of clothes, the only stuff i separated was my ex’s nice office clothes that needed gentle cycle.

I separate into bleach and no-bleach loads.

The first wash for any dark colors is usually a little bit risky, so I separate a bit more there.

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