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I just need one member on the jury who worked in retail and I’d get off Scott free.

That can’t be real, can it? 1.05 subs per minute is pretty impressive.

I tell my team that they’re **always** welcome to stand their ground and push back when necessary. They regularly deal with difficult customers and, on average, kick out at least one every few months.

Honestly, I prefer it this way rather than letting strangers harass my workers or putting them up with the “customer is king” nonsense. I hire people because I trust them, and that includes trusting them to handle situations responsibly, not to harass others just for the sake of it.

Customer is king? More like Customer is a drama queen.

I’ve never understood why some people think it’s okay to treat those in customer service or retail like their personal punching bags.

I’m trying to pay them as well as possible, but we all know they don’t really earn enough to put up with your bs.

I work in public transit. I’d gladly give up one full paycheck for every person I could punch.

“The customer is always right…” is often misused. There is a second half to that sentence- “…in matters of taste.” Meaning, the customer wants what they want when shopping (not service-wise), so if they want the world’s ugliest pair of jeans, they are making a fantastic choice. If they want the jankiest sweater ever knit, fabulous!

It has been co-opted and bastardized to give people an excuse to be assholes to employees and others because they feel entitled to their dickishness. It’s never okay to treat other people with disrespect and indignity.

Only an hour for 63 subs?

What in the Mary Poppins?

I’ve always maintained that the janitors at a school should be able to open hand slap one kid every year in an assembly in front of the whole school.

So that’s one sub every 90 sec, give that worker a pay rise!

The Subways where I live actually stop you from ordering if the amount is too high and take a catering reservation.

Subway catering is one of the few ways to make attending a confirmation even worse

That capitalisation tells you all you need to know about this person.

Some people are just scum.

I deal craps. They give us a nice long bamboo stick to chase the dice with.

Boss man said we get one…

What a fucking idiot. How long does it take to make one sandwich? A minute or 2? I’d imagine it would take 63 times longer to make 63.

Me at 18 years old with the ‘can’t I just take one of those’ moms pointing at the saved figs behind the counter looking at buying Buzz LY on Xmas eve 1995 during my 18 hour ToysRUs shift

Like the purge for customer service people only lmao!!!!😂

People would use up their one free fight on day one and regret not saving it

Declaring a duel of fisticuffs should be legally binding.

When I was working in a hardware store in uni, I half-jokingly told my boss I’d rather be allowed to curse a singular customer out then get a 0,2 euro/hour raise. Sadly I got the raise.

Still ended up cursing one customer out, but was given a pass on that because the guy literally pulled an axe after we didn’t open the gates within seconds of him ringing the bell. God forbid I’m on the other side of the warehouse and have to walk to the gate.

I used to work at Subway. We had a policy that any large orders required a minimum of 24 hours notice. He should feel blessed they agreed to even make the order.

Some people a pat on the head. With a fecken shovel -mrs. Brown.

It’s going to always be the religious nuts who preach at me telling me to accept the lord. Or the karens…

As a former subway employee 9 times out of 10 we would tell that customer to F off in the nicest way possible

So what you’re telling me is they should all get one night shift at a Waffle House.

That’s about 1% of a mile for anyone wondering.

I hear you. Only those who work with the public will understand.

What kind of fucking monster buys subway for someone’s party?

“I’m cashing in my ‘Beat a Customer’s Ass’

I’d be worried I’d have a worse customer the next day. You just never know with the public.

Can we extend this to people who work in healthcare, please?

I’m a nurse and some patient family members need a slap

Whatever my daughters are telling me about someone being a jerk to them, I tell them they are allowed to punch them in the face, but only one time. They haven’t taken me up on it yet. Perhaps that makes me a bad dad, perhaps that makes me a good dad.

Let the Grand Melee of Fast Food Chains begin , bring chosen customers to stage

People honestly don’t understand or care how food service works.

I worked a fast food job for a decade.

Inside line 20-30 people deep, drive through line wrapped around the block.

Every order 10-20 items.

3 People working, 3 call outs or management simply didn’t schedule them.

200+ items on screen at any given time.

Every customer at the window/counter *what the fuck is taking so long*?

After a decade I finally couldn’t take it anymore. Nevermind the *customer is always right* mentality you’re expected to adapt to work service industry. People would say and enact the most horrible things.

A good day, was receiving a negative review, instead of threats of violence or a death threat.

Now way is that real

That’s literally more than 1 sandwich per minute.

Or at the very least if a customer starts running their mouth we can too.

I don’t even work at subway and I want to fight this fucking asshole.

Nah, one a month.

I would’ve quit. 63 subs in an hour for only making $9/hr? Nah.

I’ve worked customer service before and the client’s not always right (almost never right) and certainly a lot of folks out there aren’t even right in the head. I’m a firm believer everyone should work customer service at least for a week because we’d get along much better and it would make the world a better place.

I hope someone spit on every foot of that sandwich.

I have the feeling, that this customer would be beaten up daily,

Even at 2 hours that’s 2 mins a sub. Give that person a raise, a tip, and a humanitarian award for not committing a double homicide.

Put on a stream service and you’ll make millions

I guess the banana is the PC police here because they give me shit on any answer

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