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One bottle of wine and suddenly everyoneโ€™s spilling tea hotter than the drinks

lmao, anyone who tells my GF tea or a secrete understand that I too, will know. She will 100% tell me. Will I tell anyone? No, Will I even understand 3/4s of the story/background/tea? no. lmao

A friend of mine once invited 4 exes to a party (they stayed friends) and he actually thought he would not be a topic๐Ÿคฃ

If you want a rumor to spread fast add the magical lines: but tell nobody

The classic โ€œIm not supposed to tell this, but I know you guys wont tell it furtherโ€

I never understood that, sharing personal things about like your SO with your friends. Maybe thatโ€™s why I only have like 2 friends ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Idk about that, I ain’t no snitch

Jokes on you. I need friends first mwahahahaha ๐Ÿ”ฅ

“Tell me all of your feelings!!!”

Sees posts like this


Is this before or after the lingerie pillow fight / wrestling match which climaxes in all involved becoming scissor sisters?

As a married man Iโ€™m there with them gabbing and getting more wine opened up yโ€™all are wild if youโ€™re in invited them donโ€™t worry about the tea

Jokes on you, I have severe ADHD and oversharing is my default!

Try spending the holidays with 6 women crammed in the same tiny living room. Trust me itโ€™s not fun.

If itโ€™s good theyโ€™re not talkingโ€ฆ

Meanwhile when I do this with the guys we always discuss the Simpsons or some dumb shit.

I wouldnโ€™t know

Can’t wait for this to be posted on one of the subs like askpetah or explainthejoke. ๐Ÿ™„

I wish I had a group of girl friends like this. I used to, but everyone moved away

That might apply to women but it doesnโ€™t to men. Men actually understand the concept of a secret

Miss my sisters so SO so much ,โ€™โ€/

Alcohol, the best truth serum ever.

i don’t get they’re just saying a group of girls is hanging out and drinking?



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